A lost 3 year old boy Last night I was on my way to the cinema - TopicsExpress


A lost 3 year old boy Last night I was on my way to the cinema when Uma and I were ran into a very distraught lady in the neighborhood. She was desperate and in obvious distress over losing her 3 year old grandson minutes ago. We quickly jumped into action. Uma combed the neighborhood and was alerting the neighbors about the lost child. I slowly drove around the perimeter of the neighborhood with my SUV and targeting areas a child might want to head towards like a schoolyard or playground. I would pull over and ask anyone I saw who was walking if they had seen a 3 year old child walking alone. Soon I got help from local teenagers on bike and long boards who all joined in for the search. Between Uma and I and the desperate cry of the grandmother, the neighborhood was actively searching everywhere for the missing little boy. The police were dispatched but none had arrived but we had already awakened many people in the neighborhood on this desperate search where every minute counted. It seemed like all hope was gone because there was no sign of the boy despite all the search and frantic voice of the grandmother calling out the name of her grandson every block. In moments like this we have to reach into the Divine and ask for help. I prayed very hard for the child and then began to focus my energy to my heart and invoked and decreed the I am manifestations (as taught by Peter Mt. Shasta and by Saint Germaine) that the child would be found. In a short while, I received a call from Uma that the child was found. He apparently was hiding from his grandmother for some unknown reason. The police arrived but were greeted by a happy ending. I was just overcome by emotions that this child was reunited with her grandson. I searched for the child as if it were my own. We must realize a child is our child, a mother is all our mothers and we are all connected in a grand and cosmic way. The more we realize that we are connected into a huge body or energy of Divine consciousness, the sooner we will stop hurting each other and reach out and help each other. It was sad seeing some neighbors react with such apathy to what had transpired. Some just closed the door and said they will keep their eye out for the child as if the child were going to show up in their house or on TV. I just breaks my heart to see that. The I am decrees are powerful and even talked about by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I had been learning to use it more with amazing results but a good spiritual foundation makes it even more effective. Application of the 18 principles in my book, Dare to Imagine, helps establishes that foundation. After I heard to the good news, I drove towards my home and was greeted by some of the neighbors. It was kinda weird seeing the people there. A neighbor I had rescued last year from Hypothermia was standing there with the grandmother. Another neighbor was nearby as well. I had rescued her cat from being killed by her own dogs who went insane one terrible morning. The cat is doing well to this very day and I remember the Vet saying how he was surprised the cat survived. The grandmother was so thankful and waited til I returned from my search before leaving, Seeing the joy and gratitude in these people really touched my heart deeply. It is when we give of ourselves and show love, compassion and kindness, that is when we can begin to change the lives of others and ourselves. It creates an amazing sense of joy and peace within that money cant buy. As Uma and I drove to the cinema, I was just filled with tears of joy that the child was found and how the neighbors had all come together to help this poor grandma who just moved in last week to the neighborhood and was just baby sitting for her daughter.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 16:58:38 +0000

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