A lot of christians have replaced the gospel of the kingdom with - TopicsExpress


A lot of christians have replaced the gospel of the kingdom with the gospel of beliefs, CULTures, traditions, and customs which have for so long been ignorantly and erratically established as Gods Kingdom standards or measurements for righteousness o spiituality! ERROR! Christianity was not birthed by cultures/traditions of men but by the Spirit of Christ! Yes,we always say christianity is not a religion,its a life or relationship but looking at the issue of indoctrination, reflected in the beliefs and practices of some christians today, they ignorantly portray christianity as a religion! We now have 2 types of christianity today; the REligious christianity(error) and the RElationship christianity which is the one God approves! If Jesus the Christs advent was in our day,He would definitely put on jeans,agbada,face cap,suit,polo t-shirts,nice fitted shirts,velvets, and even skirts if he was born in scotland, kente,if he was born in ghana, He might even wore a khaftan if He was born in saudi arabia or dubai! Paul said he had to behave like the romans when he found himself in Rome and Im sure he would also behave like the Nigerians if hed met himself in Nigeria if there was a nigeria at that time! We are all from different tribes and tongues across the planet earth but we are all known by Christ as believers because we all have the SAME SPIRIT of Christ in us,which is not subjected to, defined or determined by our different cultures, beliefs, traditions and customs! Paul rebuked Peter because Peter was trying to use the jewish tradition/custom/belief as a standard to relate with the gentiles,who Christ also died for! some of my friends call me wazzup pastor cause of my looks and the way I dress to minister; sometimes, Im on jeans and polo shirt and you need to see me,I look good on it and I minister powerfully with Gods help! some believers from this part of the world believes a pastor must always be on suits with the rope around the neck,lol, and white collar around the neck for reverends,chai! The anointing is not in the suits,the anointing is in you! Enough of CULTural christianity! I remember in the late 80s and early 90s,what was in vogue then in Nigeria,was the pastors hair style! Those days,how you identify a clergyman is with the hair-cut;punk at the front and another punk at the back side of the head,while the center and sides are trimmed down!lol! In acts 11:26, the apostles were called christians first in antioch by unbelievers because they saw the Spirit of Christ in them,reflected in their character/lifestyle and not because they saw the beautiful show of jewish cultures/traditions! The bible talks about modesty or moderateness and please,it has nothing to do with cultures,traditions or customs of men in any tribe! Some pastors even put a clergy sticker on their cars and I wonder,is it the car that is a clergy or them? This was the pattern of showmanship of the pharisees,who had a fixed way of dressing,with showmanships that attracts self-praises from the people in the public/market places but they also attracted the WOES from Christ(matt.23). I hear some christian say it is wrong to use electronic bibles or ipads,that it shows conformity to the world. Hey,technological advancement cannot stop kingdom advancement! Talking about ipads,and electronic bibles,Im again very sure that Christ wouldnt need to open scrolls in our day but printed and/or electronic bibles because that is the evolution of our time in an ever-changing world! The bible was formerly in papyrus(sheeps leather/skin),what should those that used the bible in the papyrus format now say to those that are using the paper-print format! The WORD of God is powerful and true,irrespective of which ever format it is packaged! The WORD carriess the same power,wether in the papyrus or in the printed bible or in the ipad,or any other format,so far nothing is removed and nothing is added! Christ would use a microphone,projector,etc in our day! We cannot afford to be static but be dynamic in an ever-evolving world! KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 09:58:56 +0000

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