A lot of my Facebook friends belongs on the same Industry like me. - TopicsExpress


A lot of my Facebook friends belongs on the same Industry like me. If you are a bit challenge with sales and you cant close a deal because you are having a hard time Overcoming Objection . I will share with you a technique on how to handle an objection. Weve all been taught that a question should always be answered. But when you rush in giving out an immediate answer you are actually shutting down the possibility of knowing what the underlying situation is. One of the most common objection we encounter is about pricing. And it could come on different forms like its too expensive or I cant afford it. Instead of giving random responses you can start with I understand and repeat in your own words what they are saying, then give back an Open-ended question. Example: Its too expensive Say I understand that money is an important factor for you but what other criteria will be used in making this decision? The secret is really knowing how the other person feels and looking at the situation from their perspective. I can see how this technique could be a challenge for some people but then again its just a matter of practice. Do this technique like 4 times and youll really get the real situation. Practice youre art of questioning and youll do great. I hope I was able to help. :)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:43:19 +0000

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