A lot of people are asking how does one run the SWA Ultimate - TopicsExpress


A lot of people are asking how does one run the SWA Ultimate online business? Here are the answers… There are different ways to promote your SWA business: Option #1 – Go on Facebook, make friends with so many people, randomly tag them in photos of SWA advertisements (even if those people don’t even appear in the photo ads), and constantly publish more SWA ads in your Facebook wall or Timeline. Option #2 (RECOMMENDED) – Build your name and reputation online as a person who publishes useful information or entertaining articles online. Attract readers, some of whom will appreciate you, become your fans, and support you by buying the products or services that you recommend. Option #3 – Read the ebooks inside the SWA Ultimate Online Library, and teach what you learned to others so that they may improve themselves. In the process, earn Speaker’s Fees. 4. Read the ebooks on motivation, motivate your salesforce, increase your sales and earn more sales commissions from your Company. 5. Offer the ebooks which have Resell or Giveaway Rights to your existing customers as a bonus when they buy more of your products (e.g., bakery products, clothes, fashion accessories). 6. Read the ebooks, then write your own ebook and sell it in the Amazon Kindle store. Earn commissions as a bestselling Amazon Kindle author. 7. Read the ebooks on Network Marketing motivation, and motivate your current team of networkers so that they may also increase their sales. 8. Read the ebooks on health, then connect with Seniors who will bond with you and perhaps even work with you in future business ventures. 9. Read the ebooks on beating stress, get healthier, and how to SAVE on your medical bills. 10. Read the ebook on How To Boost Your Self-Esteem, gain confidence, and increase your perceived value in the eyes of your boss… this can help you get assigned to more challenging roles in your company, and perhaps lead to a Promotion. 11. Read the ebook on How To Tell Stories To Children, and improve your performance as an Early Child Development educator (which can lead to your Promotion). 12. Read the ebook on Mixed Martial Arts to help you bond with a potential customer or business partner who’s into MMA. 13. Read the ebook on Natural Cures for Insomnia, get a more healthful sleep at night, then wake up refreshed and ready to do you job better (which can lead to your Promotion). 14. Read the ebooks on playing the guitar or the piano, impress your friends or improve your relationship with them, or even attract more customers to your restaurant or shop because people will love your music. 15. Read the ebook on preparing your child for college, which can help your child go to a good university (or even help you save on college tuition fees). 16. Read the ebook on Raising Children Who Succeed and help prepare for your own retirement. 17. Read the ebook on The Power of Gratitude and discover how changing your attitude can affect your finances. 18. Read the ebook on Public Domain and see how some people take free information on the internet and then re-package it so that they can sell it. 19. Read the ebook on profit-pulling blogs to see how others publish words online (or blog) and earn from that. 20. Read the ebook on Project Management Made Easy, and use that knowledge to help you better manage your projects in your office (which could lead to your Promotion). I hope this list helps more people see beyond the “recruit-recruit” approach prevalent in the network marketing industry.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:22:53 +0000

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