A lot of people are freaking out about something Michael Moore - TopicsExpress


A lot of people are freaking out about something Michael Moore said. Nothing new. I often disagree with him. His film Bowling for Columbine was flat-out absurd. Some of those freaking out are threatening to go all Charlie Hebdo on him. If you cant disagree with someones opinion without threatening violence thats a you-problem. He had tweeted that snipers are cowards. On Facebook, he explained: Lots of talk about snipers this weekend (the holiday weekend of a great man, killed by a sniper), so I thought Id weigh in with what I was raised to believe about snipers. My dad was in the First Marine Division in the South Pacific in World War II. His brother, my uncle, Lawrence Moore, was an Army paratrooper and was killed by a Japanese sniper 70 years ago next month. My dad always said, Snipers are cowards. They dont believe in a fair fight. Like someone coming up from behind you and coldcocking you. Just isnt right. Its cowardly to shoot a person in the back. Only a coward will shoot someone who cant shoot back. Yep, thats exactly the view my generation grew up with, and Hollywood films about WW2 and Vietnam used to portray them in that way. Agree with it, disagree with it, that view used to be as American as apple pie. Related tangent: The massacre at My Lai arose from hatred of a Viet Cong enemy that killed without being seen- cowards who wouldnt fight a fair fight- by snipers bullets (including elaborate tunnel networks), mines, and booby traps. There was a similar view, with similar responses, of the guerrilla tactics of American Indians. Its a wise way to fight, and one that is despised by ones enemy as lacking courage.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 23:19:43 +0000

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