A lot of people ask me if Xmas loses its magic as you get - TopicsExpress


A lot of people ask me if Xmas loses its magic as you get older...well we still put the tree up..and enjoy pigs in blankets......it loses its magic because everyone has got everything nowadays and your just buying for spoilt kids most of the time...nobody waits all year for a push bike like we did and a skipping rope....and you were the talk of the town if you got the Evil Knievel stunt bike....we still look out the window on Xmas eve to see if he is coming...but he is hard to make out in a dogging car park....could be anyone its so flipping dark....i love the fact the shops are busier as it makes shoplifting a bit easier...nearly got everything on my list last week except the lawn mower...the adverts do your head in...but its a great time of year and we can all do with a few days off work..the year has gone quick and i have seen friends give birth, get divorced, find new love, new jobs, turn gay, get married, and even have more babys as the first one got over a hundred likes on here....my new years resolution is to further embrace all cultures and try and add a few Muslims and Polish people on here...but come Jan the 2nd when i watch the news or i am stuck in a Que in the bank behind 400 of the buggers i will prob change my mind...i still enjoy Xmas eve in the supermarkets mind you...if you time it just right you can get all your veg for 20p....last year the lad with the mark down gun threatened to shoot me with it.....other than that..have a nice Xmas to all my friends on here...i was going to send you all a card but this is cheaper....dont drink and drive and chin up if you have to visit family....and dont be sad if you dont get what you want....it will be half price the next day.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 23:39:08 +0000

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