A lot of people ask us what 2 Haunted Venues are about and why we - TopicsExpress


A lot of people ask us what 2 Haunted Venues are about and why we do what we do? Well the ‘why’ question is easy as all the team are very passionate about Spirit connection and everything paranormal. All of us want that 100% proof that life after death really exists and of course the evidence is essential to that. This is why we have heavily invested into equipment like night vision cameras. If it happens then we want to capture it on film. The whole 2 Haunted team love this kind of thing and have always been interested in ghosts and the stories that usually come with them. To have the privilege to contact someone from beyond the grave and without a shadow-of-a-doubt know it’s not faked is an amazing thing to witness. We went to Alcester Town Hall last weekend and caught some fantastic footage of a big séance that we did and all the guests that were there and witnessed it cannot put a logical, rational explanation to what actually happened. That video footage will be coming soon :) Every venue that we do, every investigation that we are involved with the evidence just gets stronger and stronger. Yes we do have times when nothing appears to happen or it is very subtle and that is the way it goes sometimes when you are a genuine team. We do not fake anything and that is very important to us but the activity is getting stronger never-the-less and we cannot wait to get back into locations like the Ancient Ram Inn and Falstaff this year as they have proved to be the most impressive for capturing paranormal activity so far. We are always looking for new locations and if you think you live in a property that is very active or know of a place that would be good to check out then please drop us an email? Please keep an eye out on the website: 2hauntedvenues as we have videos from the Priory of Grace Dieu, Alcester Town Hall and the Hinckley Museum coming on very soon with some great evidence captured. Let us know what you think? So if you are interested in coming on a genuine Ghost Hunt then please visit the website for more details…
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 10:14:05 +0000

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