A lot of people deride Prince Charles, calling him jug ears and - TopicsExpress


A lot of people deride Prince Charles, calling him jug ears and worse - yet he has put his money where his mouth is many times, creating great ventures like The Princes Trust, Poundbury, . I have always felt strongly about the very same issues that engage the Prince, and having come from a country background, set up the English Earth Project as my answer to challenges I observed. . Lacking the contacts and resources of the Prince, I was destroyed by socialist bureaucrats, who broke numerous criminal laws to do so, because they dislike initiatives that come from people like me. . Having caught them redhanded, it was police that finally destroyed me, concealing local government crimes, and destroying for the rest of my life any possibility of a working interface with government, because lies and abuse of power are what I have experienced at their hands, and nothing else. . That seems to be my karma, and as the end of my life draws ever nearer, I accept my fate, and welcome Prince Charles success. . I always envisaged the English Earth Project being a rolling snowball, creating jobs, opportunities, and happiness, wherever it went, because I saw how dovetailing different elements together, would create mutually self-supporting local enterprises, that not only made the hard cash required for growth, but fuelled far more. . These ideas became worthless to me the moment I was ruined, because no-one is interested in ideas unless you have money. . If people think unemployment now is bad, believe me, when the next stage of globalisation cuts in, it will seem like a picnic in the park in comparison. . It was for this reason that I envisaged building sustainable local communities based upon solid business footing, backed by lots of leadership, example, goodwill, and fun. . Yes, fun! . This is the word that government trashes so easily, with all of the subtlety of a bull in a china shop. . I cannot work with joyless people who blatantly break their own laws, criminalising myself, while escaping not only scot-free themselves, but respected members of society, well-paid and pensioned. . It is for that reason that I have created nothing material since 1993. . My ideas are lost in Facebook, as surely as in a grave. . I know that my current existence will shortly end, and the access I now have to things like the internet, etc, will end. . As I cannot support myself, and as I will never ask government for a stale crust of bread, I face starvation, mentally, emotionally, and physically. . My ideas have not gone anywhere, and I cannot impose myself upon anyone else ever again, because it simply does not work. . Everything is a cul de sac. . I do observe a greater pattern at work, under The Law of Karma, and have played my part where it seemed right, but as far as having any future myself, I see nowhere I can be. . So my task is to disengage from life, and embrace death, knowing that it is merely a doorway through to another life. . This limbo situation has been mine for a number of years, and I will face it with dignity, in my own time, unhurried by those ghastly government people, whose values are so worthless and trashy. . Is it really too much to expect that say what they intend, and keep their word? . Surely any system that employs people whose word is regularly worthless, deserves no trust? . This is the cancer eating away at the social fabric of Britain, which no-one in authority dares face. . Had I sailed a normal sort of course of someone from my background, I would never have grasped WHY it is that this society is so flawed. . I had paid a high price for this education, and recognise that it is of no value to me in the course of this lifetime - hence my impatience to get to a life where it IS of use. . Having had a number of deep spiritual experiences, including meeting and talking to my spirit guides, I know other dimensions of life exist. . In many ways, that knowledge proved a poisoned chalice, because most people cannot conceive such things,, and some actively attack and block what they cannot understand. . I found that difficult to deal with, because having had my awareness raised to such a level, it seemed very odd indeed to me that nothing seemed to follow on from it. . It is as if Spirit raised my awareness, and then cast me adrift, which makes no sense to me, and is even bizarre. . I see revolution building, with potentially much bloodshed to come. . If I had a voice, I would raise it towards (R)evolution, not revolution. . (R)evolution - is simply keeping peaceful evolution in mind. . Maybe the karma of the British people, is to go through much bloodshed, as old hatreds and injustices boil over? . I passionately believe in good government, because the government of these islands is in my DNA. . Yes, many errors were made in government centuries ago, but we must remember to look upon things as things were seen then - not with todays rose-tinted glasses. . The transition between a primitive fear-based system being in total control, with a thin facade of democracy tacked on, and a society based on love, which is honest, transparent, and dynamically effective, can never been an easy one. . Maybe my experiences in this life are designed to help me play a part in that transition in another time and space? . That makes sense to me, whereas sitting around twiddling my thumbs for 2 or 3 decades until death creeps up, does not. . There being nothing here on Earth worth my hanging around for, I am signalling my willingness to leave. . I deserve to be able to live fully and properly, and that I cannot do in such a primitive society, where crooks and thieves are honoured, and good intentions abused. . :-) Zen Standfast4Truth :-) 13 NOV 2014
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 06:22:28 +0000

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