A lot of people dont know why I started in the kurwasphere, so Ill - TopicsExpress


A lot of people dont know why I started in the kurwasphere, so Ill tell story of great admin Reagan. I got into POLANDBALL after lurking /b/ for a long time. It was back in 2012, like June-ish, when the memes were just starting to take off. Once I found one, it took me a minute to understand it, like an acquired taste, but I went to Know Your Meme and shifted through all of the photos there, and I laughed memorably hard at all of them. There was something about Polandball that captured the absurdity of geopolitics nothing else could. It was around march-ish a year later that I got on Facebook and decided to look up Polandball, after seeing one of my friends irl share a photo from polans main page. From there, I found even more photos of all the different Polandball Facebook veterans. I went to UKBall, Brazilball (which I obviously didnt remotely understand, Germanyball, Franceball, Czechball, Russiaball, Canadaball, and a bunch of other places. For some reason, it didnt even occur to me to look up USAball until about a month later. That was the one I enjoyed the most. I really liked the admins brute personality and how well it collided with the quality content on the page. I thought Im going to enjoy this page a ton. Then, he never posted again. Huh. I waited like 3-4 months until I said to myself, Im gonna do something crazy - make my own USABall page. I had no idea what that would entail, or how many people would get angry if I just stole another persons page (the only one who got mad in the end was the other USAball and a couple of his followers, as it turns out they were pissed that the worlds largest economy was stale, too). I just decided to take a wild chance. I whipped up the best page description and decor I could muster, as I had never had a page before. I put on a similarly brutal personality at first, but I noticed that since not many people liked being on the receiving end of said brutality, I softened it for most people, and saved my real sarcastic spite for people who deserved it, like neocommunists, neonazis, and extremist atheists. I also decided to poke fun at myself now and then, and also demonstrate more personality, something the other USAball wasnt keen on doing at any point at all. It was literally 12 hours before I amassed 300 followers (mostly because Mexicoball shared my page). I had made friends with some of the other pages and some of the other pages admins, a bit astonished and paralyzed at just how fast I had joined the community. Even though I was and still am the only admin on USABall, I thought to myself, maybe I could go with an awesome username. At the time (I still am largely), I was getting into conservative libertarianism as my political belief. If you live in America for a certain amount of time, you know that every conservatives utter idol is the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Wilson Reagan. He was the man who saw us through the destruction of the USSR and communism in general, and also the, at the time, greatest economic boom in US history since the Roaring Twenties. Alongside this, I noticed that many admins used identities based on political and influential figures from their nation. From this, I adopted my now infamous username, Reagan. A whiles passed, now, and Ive gotta say, were better off than we ever have been in the community that is Polandball, even with all of the attacks from Facebook. Ive perfected my staunch sense of humor and randomness, and as well, Im a million times better at making comics. Some people complain Im cancer. Those people are usually cancer. Anyways, thats me.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:37:09 +0000

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