A lot of people dont see the results they want to see at the gym, - TopicsExpress


A lot of people dont see the results they want to see at the gym, because they have bad workout habits. Here are the three big ones… 1. The elliptical. If you use it correctly, youll burn calories. But most people keep slowing down the longer they stay on it, so they dont actually get much exercise. And its not a natural motion, so it doesnt tone muscles the way running and jumping will. 2. Long workouts of moderate intensity. Theres a reason they say, No pain, no gain. You cant improve your fitness without pushing yourself. Its much better to go 20 or 30 minutes at high intensity, than it is to go for an hour at a comfortable pace. 3. Wasting time between reps. Dont look in the mirror, dont check your phone, dont start conversations with other people. Plan out a certain workout for a certain time period, and get it done. There are actually 4 more bad workout habits. See all of them by following the link.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:45:10 +0000

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