A lot of people have asked been asking me about Musa Cerantonio - - TopicsExpress


A lot of people have asked been asking me about Musa Cerantonio - Abu Aisha statements about Khilafah in Iraq and the Bayah to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. I would like only to point out a summary of 3 types of people who have spoken up in relation to this topic: 1- Those who agree with the ijtihad of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi that he is in authority like a khalifah as he is ruling some regions and implementing the Shariah there. May Allah reward them for their ijtihad - this is a blessed call and mighty aim and there can be no doubt about the great acheivements by Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and the success and victory Allah has granted him. Whether someone agrees or not with this ijtihad, there is no way to criticize him for what he is inviting the Ummah to - unity, khilafah, shariah and victory. 2- Those who follow the ijtihad of other scholars and leaders such as Sheikh Ayman Al Zawaahiri, Sheikh Abu Qatadah, Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi, Muhammad Al Julaani etc that Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is a leader of an Islamic group but not yet the Khalifah and call for unifying the many groups and cooperation and shura in the region to be an even mightier force against the enemies of Islam. May Allah reward them for their ijtihad - this also a great call and lofty aim based on Ilm and Fiqh, just like the former opinion above. Moreover there is no question about the love and cooperation and respect among both sides of that ijtihad. In addition it should be pointed out that just as it is the opinion of these latter group that Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi does not have general authority over the other Mujahideen or leaders yet, it should be pointed out that this latter group does not have any authority over Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi but their requests and invitations are requests and not binding commands on a subordinate. ------------------------------------ NOTE: On the above two, whoever was right will have 2 rewards and the other will have one reward, but neither will have sin. ------------------------------------ 3- The third group is those who are longing for the failure of the project to establish Khilafah in Iraq and Shaam, who follow the tactic of condemning and criticizing Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi and his Imaarah or indeed Muhammad Julaani and his Imaarah, or the tactic of belittling the efforts of these great leaders and fighters, or accusing them of deviation, bidah, khuruj etc or the tactic of picking on mistakes and sometimes inventing mistakes and compiling lists of these errors to discredit and defame them. Or the tactic of discouraging people from Jihad or supporting the jihad or the tactic of calling people to leave the bayah to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi (whether you believe he is Khalifah or not) for the sake of giving bayah to Tawagheet apostate regimes like those in Hijaaz. I mean by this people like Khalid Yaseen, Aroor, Dimashqiyyah and several other Madkhali shuyookh. This group will never have reward for their contribution to the discussion and will only have sin. They are in a very dangerous place and are imitating the disbelievers and the munafiqeen. This is the tactic of Ahl Al Nifaaq and nobody with Imaan should allow themselves to remain in this situation. The call for people to abandon Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi or Muhammad Al Julaani and to withhold support or help from them, or who hope for and show pleasure in any of their losses or defeats or that seek the fall of the Islamic State of Iraq - these have only exposed themselves as people of nifaaq (knowingly or unknowingly) and they are like those who said, Do not spend in support of those who are with the messenger of Allah until they disperse (i.e. give up and get defeated)... [EMQ 63:7] It is good that they have shown their true colours now before we are fooled by their beards into depending on them in the hard times ahead.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 23:23:06 +0000

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