A lot of people have not understood the life of the new man in - TopicsExpress


A lot of people have not understood the life of the new man in Christ. No wonder you see a lot of them going from one place to another looking for who to free them from curses but I got news for you only Jesus can save. In 2corith 5:17 says therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.[ Nkjv]. Now I want us to examine this scripture taking not of the words in bold and underlined. The word therefore is a conclusive word which means it has been settled. This scripture reveals who man is after he is born again. It says you become a new creation the Greek word used for new is kainos is rendered fresh and creation in Greek is ktisis rendered formation so joining the two becomes fresh formation. Is like the potter reforming the broken pot to a new one with new design thus making the forma not to have anything with the latter. So when you are born again, your past has nothing to do with you because the old you who was cursed died with Christ [Rom 6:8] and is gone forever so the you now knows no past but the present which cannot be cursed numbers 23:23.But the reason curses still follow you is because you have not behold. What you do not see in the realms of the spirit you cannot take. God told Abraham as far as your eyes can see that I give to you. Start seeing your self free and every curse upon your life shall diminish for nothing more or better can be done than what Christ did for you and me on the cross. theroyalpriesthood.org/index.php/daily-devotion.html
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 09:42:10 +0000

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