A lot of people (most of the time dedicated skeptics, trolls, - TopicsExpress


A lot of people (most of the time dedicated skeptics, trolls, debunkers and self-proclaimed experts) like to talk about what is or is not a legit source of information on the internet and those same individuals turn around and try and use things such as Wikipedia as reliable references and sources in regards to backing up and legitimizing their portrayal of limited beliefs, viewpoints and hypotheses... especially on social media. They use them because these sources prevent them from having to do any actual work... prevents them from having to think for themselves... prevents them from exerting any effort to do any of their own individual dynamic research to eventually come to a well-rounded hypothesis of something all on their own. No... contrary to popular belief your beloved Wikipedia is NOT reliable as a lot of you may want to think. Most of these modern sources are not at all reliable actually. Consider them, more or less, guidelines or starting points in research per say. (Atrocious fear-based mainstream news/media however is exempt from this post, is another story entirely and should never even be watched or even remotely entertained in my opinion.) Society nowadays is lazier than ever... so basically...we shouldnt ever 100% solidify belief in anything just because an internet source (especially a popular one) tells us whether or not to believe it. Sharing such things for discussion is one thing... but never claim to have the complete truth of anything in your utility belt unless you are an actual seasoned and cultured expert in the related field. Ive learned this by finding myself factually incorrect many times speaking of things out of my territory... and I have no shame or problem admitting it when it may happen. I personally enjoy being able to learn something that I may not have known in a previous instance and I respect and appreciate when someone can provide that for me in a unifying, positive and constructive light. That is what its all about... learning as much as possible in regards to any potential truths... even in trial-and-error, sharing knowledge with others with absolutely no judgment whatsoever and respecting everyones position on their path towards any kind of desired knowledge. Although some may be closer to said truths... even then there are dynamics and dimensions of those truths that even those closer to them are more than likely themselves still completely unaware of. So dont be that guy that always presumptuously tries to tell everyone else that you are 100% right in your thoughts and processes and that others are completely wrong in theirs. Who is anyone to say that really? If that is ones attitude... they are suffering from immense ego and insecurity and should have very little attention even paid to them in terms of actual constructive learning and the sharing of information and ideas. Personally, I like to try and observe as many sides and standpoints as possible of any particular subject or scenario and tend to believe the things I put together, with pieces I derive from them on my own, that resonate with my own perception and consciousness as truth. What I have discovered that works best for me and has rarely steered me wrong is to pay close attention to my intuition. That spider-sense, if you will, that we all have, but most choose not to listen to because of warped and conditioned societal concepts and blinded consensus of what is deemed correct logic of which in fact, again, was implemented by someone else (or group), their own mind(s) and their own limited perceptive gathering(s). I recognize that others may disagree with things one may think... some portraying lower-vibrational frequencies such as spite, sarcasm and rudeness while doing so... all of that stemming from ego... but that should not alter anyones stance unless legitimately gathered evidence is presented that happens to resonate more and constructively expands any view or gathered data that may have been already present in the individuals perspective. My position in dimensional perception may be different from someone else... and theirs from the next person... for all we know we could all be right in our own separate individual perceptual positions in the Universe... or we could all be utterly wrong. That is to me what is the BEST part... the overall WONDER that ensues with existence. The truth is no one really knows anything for sure. We all just share with each other what we THINK. Period. And really... who has the right to tell anyone else what or what not to think or believe? This is one of the Humanitys largest problems... and has been since the very beginning. Humanity at a certain age used to be so certain and convinced by common consensus that the Earth was flat... well... needless to say everyone discovered they were brutally incorrect as technological advancement progressed. We are still yet to achieve our true potential in terms of evolution and advancement, so to claim anything for certain is still very premature and presumptuous until this species allows itself to finally reach its full capabilities, and that will be when everyone lets go of their ego wholeheartedly. Everything is about perspective and perception... remember that always. Rest assured however, one thing we can all certainly believe in are these words... Actual truth is always much stranger than fiction. and Think for yourself, or someone will do it for you. But back to Wikipedia as the prime example here... Ironically, I will actually go ahead and use one particular source that happens to resonates with me highly in regards to this subject. Harvard.edus Harvard Guide of Using Sources: A Publication of the Harvard College Writing Program just so happens to make a very good point. isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k70847&pageid=icb.page346376
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:51:03 +0000

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