A lot of people never fully understood why i like the things i - TopicsExpress


A lot of people never fully understood why i like the things i like. All the musicians, songs, albums, programmes, documentaries, films, authors, books, poems, paintings and pictures all have one thing in common which attracted me to them. To explain exactly what the property is these forms of art share, i quote bill hick (again): All those lost souls who find no sustenance in mainstream news or media. All those seekers who found alternative lifestyles to replace the ancient crumbling institutions that have failed them, (theses various pieces of art) voice the air of reason and open mindedness in the ever increasing bland fascist consumer society, where the little guy is made smaller and more insignificant every day. (They) help us try and recover our basic dignity and regain a sense of hope and even awe at the world around us. (These forms of art) offer an opportunity for all the idiosyncratic personalities (who relate to these forms of art) to heal their own special needs and find amongst this cast of social misfits and odd characters a bond stronger than blood, a family of like minded brothers who can and will offer a different view of the world than the one thats grown so tired and familiar. They are obviously fighting an uphill battle, but what other battle is more worth fighting, and when little victories occur, what battles offer more rewards and rekindling of hopes than that of the lovable underdog whos finally overcome the odds? This is not just the story of (various forms of art) but that of the observer... The quiet, personable, animated observer who witnesses the tapestry of life with a loving eye, a whimsical smile, a sense of humour, and always, always hopefulness and rejoicing as each and every underdog finally defeats his own inner demons and the enemies that appear to be outside them, keeping them from peace. In the end - all will be healed
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:18:09 +0000

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