A lot of people that know me, know I absolutely despise the navy. - TopicsExpress


A lot of people that know me, know I absolutely despise the navy. Barring the fact of how I got out, I do appreciate the things I have learned and experienced. During a major growth phase in my life (17-21) I have become what I feel is a better man than the guy that joined at 17. Til the day I day I will admit the navy treated me better than I treated it, and it was something I took for granted, thinking I was invincible. I feel everything happens for a reason though so Im not too worried about the future, and nothing can replace the memories I have gained during my tenure as a Seabee. A lot of cool people, with more not so cool people, but those cool people made every exercise, deployment, stupid muster, and that watch at that asinine hour worth it. The navy has made me redefine what the word friend means to me but I wouldnt be the person I am now without the experiences Ive had with everyone here. Now this may be kinda sentimental, but I feel a few honorable mentions are in order. Mac OFlaherty I cant even give what you did for me the justice it deserves. I dont believe a soul would have done that and it means more than I can ever express in words. You are one of the few people that actually demonstrated the qualities the navy preaches. The irony. Benjamin Sincock you were one of my first really close friends and fellow gamer extraordinaire. From joining the same day to ending up in Gulfport of all stations. Youve been fun as hell to be around. The funniest times looking back. Definitely someone ill remember when Im old and reminiscing upon my navy adventures Justin Beardsley you are ranked pretty high on Diazs list of hilarious and cool people. You have and tell the best stories and crack me up all the time. Dude. I have to go to New York sometime. Youve sold me on paying ridiculous prices to see this city. And dem dogs. I wanna keep them theyre that cool. But for real youve been a great friend. YO! You never told me what size your gauges were lol Josh Adams the original G. If I were to call anyone my mentor it would be you. I was a lost puppy in a world of dip spittin truck drivin beer guzzlin country music lovin heathens. And you quickly became one of my closest friends. I was glad to help you when you needed it and was glad when you were able to do the same. Not only that, but definitely top 3 goofiest people I know. Kept a smile on my face during these last few years. Heyyyyyy. Its tammmyyyyy. As this is already far longer than I already planned, and know a fair few awesome people, ill just list a few names of great people Ive met. Sorry for no special message, you just werent THAT awesome. Ha jokes. Ryan Filo Andrew Mahoney Cameron Schwartz John Borra Blake Eubank Sean Philby Joshua Renner Christian Byrnes Jake Jewell Timothy Flynn Jane Wisinski Daniel Stubbs Anyways I think we get the point. If I forgot anyone, write me a letter, moisten it, and shove it up your- ha jokes. Seriously though I apologize. Its late an theres a lot of people. And its late. And probably the biggest reason... Yolo. Its been a crazy 3 years and lets see what the future has in store for me. (Insert cliche famous movie quote) Btw my phone wants to crash when I tag people so. Oh well.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 05:55:01 +0000

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