A lot of ppl on my TL are screaming Justice for Mike Brown and I - TopicsExpress


A lot of ppl on my TL are screaming Justice for Mike Brown and I completely agree that he deserves justice in his situation BUT who are yall yelling for justice for when its your cousin who gunned down your best friend in your own neighborhood?? Or your friends whos locked up for having sticky fingers in the mall?? I say that to say this, BE THE CHANGE THAT YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD! Dont talk about, work to prevent it from happening again. As a young mother, I cannot change the influence or lifestyles that these young teens have been accustomed to but at the same time, Im not going to blame ANY and EVERYONE else bc it starts at home! The best thing I can do for my community is raise my son and nephew to value themselves and the lives of others...aka RAISE THEM RIGHT and pray that my fellow parents do the same bc they are our future generations. When Isaiah is 15, I will still consider him a child therefore take partial responsibility for the actions that he makes. We need more parents to get involved in their kids lives bc at 16, your child is still a CHILD and needs guidance. We cant stop things like what happened to Mike Brown from occuring but we can work to minimize the chances. No parent should have to bury their child or constantly visit them behind bars. This hits home bc my mother had to bury my brother and with more guidance, my brother may have still been here. #RIPWALT Parents, dont let the streets raise your children. #TakeBackOurChildren #ItStartsAtHome
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:16:35 +0000

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