A lot of things have been said about me over the last couple - TopicsExpress


A lot of things have been said about me over the last couple weeks. A lot of people think I am a asshole, and scammer because I went silent, but a lot of you have no idea what has been happening. So here I am. A little over two years ago two major events happen in my life. An investor wanted to back Ruthless, and the love of my life left the country. Her leaving, along with other issues in my life resulted in me becoming deathly ill. Only a few people saw the change, but one felt the brute force of it all. During this time in my life A.J was all I had. He became my brother. He stepped up and gave me the helping hand, a home, and passion to live again. He showed me how to have fun and how to surround myself with people that would make me happy. These actions along with his support for Ruthless from day one made me decide to bring him aboard. A.J knew that we could create something bigger, homegrown, with the players in mind. So we sat down and came up with a business plan. In July 2013 I sent out our business plan to two different investors, and one came back with an offer. This offer was a set amount money, office space, and warehouse for a set percent of the company. I could not believe this. For a company I created to just help fund my paintball expenses, this was a deal of a life time. So I met with the investor, signed a contract, and decided to give A.J a percent in good faith, for his actions. With this new opportunity in my life I quit my job at Apple and A.J decided to leave school. Some of you may remember when we came out with all our new shirts, pants, and long sleeves. This was because our investor gave us a small sum to get things going while we got everything squared away with the office and warehouse. But within 4 months “our investor” was backing out and left A.J and I stranded. We had no idea what to do, so we just accepted his decision and decided to move forward. Both now jobless, things changed. With the 2014 season here I knew it was time for us to step up and try something new. I started approaching teams, players, and companies about supplying, producing, and wearing our products. It was the only way we could grow, and it was working. The teams came, and the suppliers were finally coming through. It felt like something was finally happening, and the ball was rolling. But then, our jersey supplier skipped town with over $1,200 and left us us crippled. We now had to find the money to refund the teams and players, with keeping our doors open. It was hard, but we managed to get back on track within a few months. We never expected it to happen but when it did it got the best of us. For me personally I felt like everything was crumbling, with the world against me. I started to noticed I was disconnected from what mattered most. My attitude changed, along with how I was running my business, and I did nothing to change it. I started to take out my aggravation on everyone close to me. I said things I wish I could take back, I effected relationships with people that really matter to me. A tongue practically weighs nothing, but a few can hold it. I wish I would have practice this more. A little over a month ago I decided to move back home to Indiana. I felt like my time in Florida was done. I never felt truly happy being there. I tried hard to be accepted and do the right things, but for a lot of people it wasnt enough. Ruthless isn’t done. This new transition will allow me to better support the players and bring a higher quality products. I want things right, and anyone that feels like Ruthless has left them hanging please message me. I will never again allow someone else to do the work I need to be doing. For the people that think I am scamming others lets set a few things clear. Ruthless currently owes one team, and two players refunds for jerseys, because we were unable to supply the jerseys in time for cup, and after communication with these individuals and team the issues are currently/have being resolved. For what Daniel has been saying lets set that little issue clear as well. He’s mad because I was selling the RCK jersey I designed on my website. The design which he never paid for, and was created 100% by me. Which gives me the right to do as I please with any of the designs I create without a contract or payment. Little does everyone know I personally supplied RCK with 1 BRAND NEW AXE, 2 Custom RCK TeamMicros (FREE), 5 Custom RCK Straps at cost, 50 Free Pods and 4 Pod bags, 200+ RCK stickers (FREE) Free media at 8 practices and PSP MAO. This is more then any other sponsor did for them. But for some reason he wants to be pissed I sold 1 jersey, which never got produced and the player was refunded. So I’m a little confused by that. Didn’t I do enough for you? You never know whats going to happen in life. It took me till this past month to realize whats really important to me. I tried hard to fight the things I hated, instead of looking for a new direction to travel. For everyone that supports me, and Ruthless, I THANK YOU. Its been a long battle, and the war is still waging. Paintball has been in my life for 14 years and I’m not going anywhere. Live Fast | Be Hated | Always Win
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:58:25 +0000

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