A love story from God! As I laid in bed praising God before I - TopicsExpress


A love story from God! As I laid in bed praising God before I went to sleep, I asked God to awaken me with him on my heart. God is always faithful to do for us as we ask when we ask for spiritual things. At about 12:15 AM, I was flooded in my mind while i was half awake, half asleep, scripture, and the wonders of God. Through the circumcision of the heart the saints of God are created by God to be a new creation in Christ. Everything with God starts with Christ. A man is drawn by God to come to Christ and he is quickened to believe on him for salvation. Once quickened, he now has an interest in God; he once had no interest for the things of God. Here is a lost man with a carnal mind described in scripture: Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood: 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways: 17 And the way of peace have they not known: 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes. And God intervenes into a mans life through the quickening of the Spirit and the man is lead to a preacher. God opens the mans eyes and ears and heart to understand Gods great love for him. And the man now believes on the Son. This man has just had an intervention from God! This man is saved by Gods wonderful Grace.It happened so fast the man never saw it coming, amen. A the man has a new heart and all new desires to fellowship with God through Jesus Christ his Lord. Gods amazing Grace, through faith in Christ, salvation is the best gift he will ever receive. Gods mercy is now everlasting for this man. In Gods justice, every sin this man committed in his past, present and future,God has pardoned through the finished work of the cross. Jesus precious blood is sufficient for God as payment for his sins. God has no pronounced his verdict in this mans heart not guilty. And the man is given the free gift of salvation from God, Jesus Christ, his Son. Jesus becomes this mans life. He is saved by the life of Jesus Christ. The man is now born again from heaven. God gives birth to the mans spirit and he becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. This man now must lose his former man. He must die to his old man to find his new man. The bible calls the mans spirit his new man, that is now alive to God. The bible also calls it his inner man. He must die to his flesh and die to the law which formerly condemned him. He submits to Gods laws that God put on his mind. He now has the mind of Christ. Now he is a servant to Gods righteousness. This man must now live under grace, and he must not allow any man to put him back under the law. It is the grace of God that teaches us to say no to all unrighteousness. He is freed from the power of the law, the power of sin, which leads to sin and death. Now he serves God in the life of the Spirit becoming a servant to righteousness. This man walks out of satans prison cell of darkness as a pardoned, liberated, free man, with a new hope. For this mans hope and calling is Jesus Christ. And through Jesus he will receive what he hopes for. Jesus Christ suffered for the whole world on the cross; he shed his blood and died for the sins of the world. Through faith in Christ his sins are washed away and God removes sin from him through circumcision of the flesh. Everything has been cleansed by Jesus blood. God has thrown this mans sins into a sea of forget fullness. This mans sins are behind the back of God to never be remembered again. This man must not wander away from the faith he affirms. Christ promises this man that he will never leave him not forsake him, but in a relationship two must stay together. He must remain rooted in Gods love in the vine of Christ. God gives a man his Holy Spirit and seals him for redemption. Everlasting life!This man now walks in the Holy Spirit and his good deeds that are created by God for him to do in advance are a joy for him to work out. His good deeds dont save the man they confirm that he is saved. . God promises to take care of this mans physical and spiritual needs as a loving Father. God feeds this man spiritual milk at first because this man is a babe in his faith. As he grows in grace, God gives him spiritual gifts, liberally, so that his babe grows up into a mature son. He has Christs spirit living in him whom is meek and humble. And the mature son grows up in his faith to be like his Lord, meek and humble. This man will inherit all of Gods promises of eternal life! For the meek and humble shall inherit the earth. He will inherit eternal life and live in the City of God,The New Jerusalem. In the New Jerusalem there in not pain, no suffering, no sin, as all sin has been judged and punished. There is no death and suffering. And Jesus will wipe every tear from this mans face.It is quite a love story between God and man.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:41:07 +0000

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