A major international Unicef study on child malnutrition makes a - TopicsExpress


A major international Unicef study on child malnutrition makes a startling disclosure. It says that unsafe water damages children’s digestive tracts. The child’s gut that is constantly assaulted by infections is unable to absorb nutrients needed for growth and development. Simply stated, it means that no matter how much extra food is given to a child, they will all pass through the child’s system, without being absorbed, resulting in malnutrition.There are a few options for improving access to water and sanitation in Sindh. One such option is the use of mobile phones.The basic framework proposed here involves an SMS – based users’ feedback system. Users will sms the local government department, highlighting problems in rural water and sanitation systems. The framework would also involve media partnerships, by using local media to sensitise the issue. This will put pressure on the elected representatives and the government officials to respond quickly. Support of tlecoms providers would be required to develop the right and rapid software to handle the flow of sms’s, in English, Sindhi and Urdu. The technology may also have the provision of providing hygiene messages to the users and getting their feedback. Once the system gets going, this will provide heavy traffic and the resulting financial benefits to the telecoms providers.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 06:21:56 +0000

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