A man boarded a bus from Kampala to Mbarara. Amidist the journey - TopicsExpress


A man boarded a bus from Kampala to Mbarara. Amidist the journey he realized his wallet was missing. He asked, Who has my wallet? no response. He shouted, If you dont bring back my wallet, what happened in Uganda in 1984 is going to happen again. Still there was no response. He stood and shouted louder while knocking the seats seriously, Im saying, If you dont bring back my wallet, what happened in Uganda in 1984 is going to happen again. All the people in the bus began trembling in fear saying, This man is a terrorist, were dead today. They even urinated in their trousers and skirts because of fear. A young man seated behind him said, Mister, here is your wallet with everything in it. The man pocketed his wallet and remained silent. An old man seated next to him asked, Mister, what really happened in Uganda in 1984? He answered, In 1984 they stole my wallet while in a bus with all the money in it and I had to foot from Kampala upto my village. Describe this man.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:39:58 +0000

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