A man came home from work to find his wife wearing a beautiful - TopicsExpress


A man came home from work to find his wife wearing a beautiful diamond and ruby ring. Upon seeing the ring he ask, Honey where did you get that ring? She replied, I entered a raffle for $10 and they drew my ticket. Isnt it beautiful? He agreed it was beautiful and was happy for her having such good luck. A week later he arrived home from work, finding her wearing a new fur coat. Inquiring about the coat, she said, I entered a raffle for $10 and they drew my ticket. What do you think? Being happy for her good luck, he said darling it really is a beautiful coat. About a month went by and he came home unexpectedly, about an hour early. Parked in their driveway was a new convertible. Thinking his wife was cheating on him, he was expecting to find her & her lover and prepared for what he was about to see. When he entered his home, he found his wife sitting and watching TV. She said, what a nice surprise to have you home early, Sweetie. Confused he asked his wife about the car in the driveway. She replied, Oh, honey you are not going to believe this, but I was out shopping and I entered a raffle for $10 and they drew my ticket. After thinking for a moment he said, honey that is great. Why dont I go upstairs, run you some bath water. Then you can get all dressed up, put on your fur coat and your diamond and ruby ring. We can drive around town in our new convertible and then go out to eat. She said, that is a great idea. He went upstairs to run her bath water. A few minutes later he came back downstairs. She ran upstairs to take her bath. A minute later she called downstairs and asked, honey why did you only run about an inch of water in the tub? He replied, well sweetheart, I didnt want you to get your ticket wet
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:39:59 +0000

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