A man caught eating a bald eagle is arrested for the crime. On the - TopicsExpress


A man caught eating a bald eagle is arrested for the crime. On the day of his trial, the conversation went something like this: Judge: Do you know that eating a bald eagle is a federal offense? Man: Yes I did but I got lost in the woods. I hadnt had anything to eat for two weeks. I was so hungry. I saw a bald eagle swooping down at the lake for some fish. I thought I might be able to steal the fish from the the eagle. Unfortunately, in the process of taking the fish I killed the eagle. I figured that since I killed it I might as well eat it.” Judge: The court will take a recess while we analyze your testimony. The judge returns after a few minutes and says: Due to the extreme circumstance you were under, the court will dismiss the charges. But if you dont mind the court asking, what does a bald eagle taste like? Man: Well your honor, the best I can describe it is maybe a combination between a California Condor and a Spotted Owl.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 00:00:45 +0000

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