A man knocked on my door and asked me how I felt about the - TopicsExpress


A man knocked on my door and asked me how I felt about the horrible state of the world today. The crime. The economy. The violence. Worldwide. I told him that I felt things were actually improving, that the human race was becoming more aware of itself and its obligations to the planet and to each other. I told him that I was hopeful, with advances in technology, that the human race would transcend regional culture and belief and find unification. Peace. Cooperation. My answer made him kinda grumpy. So, then, what do think is the cause of the existing violence worldwide. He asked. I told him I believed that sectarianism and religion was behind most of the organized, systemic, regional violence in the world. He agreed. Then he tried to convince me that I should read the Bible and try and convert the world to Christianity. He claimed that the end was near and that peace would come after non believers were vanquished. I stared at him blankly. Then I told him to get the hell off my porch. You cant fix stupid.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:28:04 +0000

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