A man may be ever so polished in manner and still not be a - TopicsExpress


A man may be ever so polished in manner and still not be a gentleman. A gentleman keeps his word. When once given it is inviolable. A gentleman meets his obligations. He pays his way as he goes, and does not sponge. He pays his debts. He lives within his means. He does not take advantage of others by accepting more than his share. A gentleman is a good sport. He plays the game by the rules, does not force his advantages, accepts defeat or victory gracefully. A gentleman exercises self-control. He avoids public exhibition of anger, hatred, profanity, quarrelsomeness or undue hilarity. A gentleman does not brag or boast. The understatement is more common with him than bragging or exaggeration. A gentleman is not given to ridicule. He holds certain institutions sacred, such as marriage, morals, religion and government, and does not speak loosely concerning them. A gentleman finds ridicule in any form a cruel and careless weapon. A gentleman stands by his principles. He has certain convictions in his conduct, his attitudes, his standards and he maintains and defends them. A gentleman is instinctively chivalrous. He is protective towards women, towards children, towards the infirm. A gentleman never betrays the confidence of a woman. He respects the personality of a woman as inviolate. He never sullies the name or reputation of any woman. He does not speak of intimacies in public. A gentleman has but one code which he uses twenty-four hours a day. He observes it at home as he does away from home, he uses it in private as he does in public, he practices it with men as well as with women, it is his pattern of living.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:19:42 +0000

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