A man was walking down the street one day when he happened upon a - TopicsExpress


A man was walking down the street one day when he happened upon a tattered and half dead rosebush laying by the trash. He could tell the rose was not completely dead and had only recently been uprooted and thrown out. He was a gardener, and he loved roses. He thought to himself, How could someone throw away one of the most beautiful of all garden plants? So he scooped it up and proceeded to carry it home. As he walked home, he kept wondering why someone would throw away a perfectly good plant. It had obviously been through some trauma, as he noticed many broken limbs, many scars on the stalk, all the thorns had been removed, and he could tell that at one point it had been cut down to its base. Still, who could be so callous? He wondered what had this poor thing been through? He knew roses will last a lifetime if properly cared for. He quietly whispered to the rose, “Its okay now. I will give you a home, feed you and care for you, and I will help you grow big and strong. Doing just as he promised, he planted the rose in a pot so he could care for her and nurture her. He wanted to keep her indoors where she would be warm and heal. He tenderly placed her in a pot, making sure her roots had ample room. He tenderly placed the soil over her. He gave her a drink of water and some food. He placed her in his biggest window where she could look out and see her future home. He looked at her and said, Dont worry, Rose, when you are ready, that will be your home. You will always be loved here. You will always be safe here. I will never dig you up or chop you down. In time you will see that you are among many, and I love each and every one of my roses. In the care of the man the rose began to recover. At first she healed slowly, but soon, thanks to the man making sure she was regularly fed and watered, the rose grew big and strong. Thats not to say in the beginning there were not hard times. One day out of the blue, all her leaves began to fall off, but the man knew she was ailing and gave her medicine to help her heal. Several times over the coming months the rose would ail and the man would know exactly what she needed. Each day he would talk to the rose. He would tell the rose that she was not defined by her past, but was destined to be beautiful, as all roses are the most beautiful of all flowers. One morning he walked in and, as she was basking in the morning sun, her leaves green and full, he noticed her thorns had returned, and he smiled. He said to the rose Its time. You are ready for your new home. He took the rose outside and gently set her down. As he looked about, there were hundreds of roses around, each one unique in its own right. Each a different shape, color, size, but they were all thriving. He knew exactly where to place the rose. He would place her so that she would receive the morning sun, but be cooled in the evening by the trees. He once again dug a hole, made sure there would be plenty of room for her roots, and as he gently lifted her from the pot, he spoke. You were once broken and injured and left for dead. I found you and gave you the tools you needed to revive. But I did not revive you; you chose to live. You accepted the food and water, you allowed the medicine to work when you were sick. You have everything you need to survive in this world. I have no doubt that you will thrive in this garden. I will always be here keeping a watchful eye, but you, my sweetest of roses, are strong. You have been broken and almost destroyed, but you are not only a survivor, you are now a thriver.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 03:08:52 +0000

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