A man who was lookingfor a job. He noticedthere was anopening at - TopicsExpress


A man who was lookingfor a job. He noticedthere was anopening at the local zoo.Upon inquiry, he discovered the zoo hada very unusualposition that theywanted to fill.Apparentlytheir gorilla had died, anduntil they could get anew one, they neededsomeone to dress up ina gorilla suit and act likea gorillafor a few days.He was to just sit, eat,andsleep. Of course, his identity would be kept asecret, and no onewould be the wiser,thanks to a very finegorilla suit. The zoo offered good pay forthis job, so the mandecided to do it. He triedon the suit andsure enough, he lookedjust like a gorilla. Theyled him to the cage; hetook a positionat the back of the cageand pretended tosleep. But after a while,he got tired of sitting sohe walked around a little bit, jumped up anddown and tried a fewgorilla noises. Thepeople watching himseemed to really like that. When he wouldmove or jump around,they would clap andcheer and throw himpeanuts. And the manloved peanuts. So hejumped around somemore and tried climbingatree. That seemed to really get the crowdexcited.They threw morepeanuts. Playing to the crowd,he grabbed a vine andswung from one side ofthe cage to the other. The people lovedit and threw morepeanuts. Wow! This isgreat, he thought. Heswung higher and thecrowd grewbigger. He continued toswing on the vine,getting higher andhigher and then all Last,all of a sudden, the vinebroke! He swung up and out of the cage,landing in the lions cagethat was next door. He panicked. There was ahuge lion not twentyfeet away,and it looked very hungry. So the man inthegorilla suit startedjumping up and down screaming and yelling,Help, help! Get meout of here! Im notreally a gorilla! Im amanina gorilla suit! HELP!The lion quicklypounced on the man,held him down andsaid, Marshal NO FEAR,NA ME Baris, be quiet!Youre going to makeboth of us loose our job
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:52:40 +0000

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