A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. - TopicsExpress


A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. Prov 16:9 (NKJV) It’s important to live life with purpose. Having a purpose gives us direction, helps us make major decisions, keeps us moving, and sets us on a decisive path. Stagnant life is just like stagnant water… It gets murky, blocked up, smelly, trapped… We weren’t designed to be murky creatures of nothing. God created us with and for great purpose. Sure – it’s nice to have days where we have no plans – nothing to do and no one to see… no pressure, just rest, but God has bigger plans for each of us, not to just do nothing all the time! Ask yourself....Where do I want to be in ten years – WHO do I want to be in five years? Start making plans in your heart. Get moving in life. When we make plans and start walking them out, we get momentum, and our momentum gives God room to direct our steps. Make plans and decisions, get some direction, but keep them fluid – don’t set them in concrete. Keep your heart and life open for God to come and direct those plans and ultimately direct your heart. Move them around, if needed, to line up with His word and purpose. This is the only way we will ever have peace in our life, if our life lines up with the Word of God. He will direct our paths if we will ask him, diligently, pray about it, ask Him for guidance, purpose, His will be done. Be anxious about nothing but be in prayer about everything, and He will give you the peace that passes all understanding in your life that will keep our heart and mind....Philippians 4:6-7..one of my very favorite scriptures. It goes on in 8 and says Fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise; things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable. Wouldnt we be a much better society and people if we truly took the Word of God for its worth and live our lives this way? God is waiting for us to draw near to Him, to step out in Faith and He will direct our step, but we have to let Him. We have to trust Him. Our heart is of high value to God, He will never guide us in the wrong direction. Amen! Have an awesome day in the Lord!!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:28:15 +0000

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