A marriage on the rocks Staff Reporter / 1 August 2013 The - TopicsExpress


A marriage on the rocks Staff Reporter / 1 August 2013 The following story depicts how a moment of passion left a marriage in tatters, but despite being overburdened with hurt and anger when the affair was brought to light, the cuckold husband acted with reason to protect the future of his children. After being married for years, one couple found their relationship swinging in the balance, with unhappy memories outweighing the happy ones, but despite the marriage being on the rocks, the couple continued living together for the sake of their children. As all signs of affection and communication withered away between the two, the husband, desperate to save the marriage, began being more empathetic towards his wife. But his efforts fell on deaf ears as his wife paid little attention to him, instead being preoccupied with her university course. Even when at home, she seemed consumed with her university life, neglecting both her husband and children. The husband became more and more miserable in the failing relationship, and became suspicious of his wife, causing him sleepless nights. As a result of the paranoia he began to spy on her, checking her mobile phone and email messages as soon as she would leave the room, all without his spouse detecting a thing. One day while going through her phone, he noticed strange messages from other women, but he was suspicious of the content as they were not the typical conversation exchanges between two women. He then began to follow her wherever she went, and even accompanied her on trips to the mall etc when she asked him to. After following her for a while, he began to notice the presence of one particular individual wherever she would go, even when he accompanied her to a place and after trying to find out the identity of the mystery man, he discovered it was her university professor. At this point, it was clear to him that something was going on between the two, but instead of confronting her about her alleged unfaithfulness, he began wondering what would happen to the pair’s children if they divorced. He knew in his heart that the relationship had come to an end, but he was determined to have full custody of the kids as he felt her selfish actions did not merit her keeping them with her once they separated. He thought if he got angry and beat her up and divorced her, he could not prove anything before the court, but with common sense, he could prove she was unsuitable for bringing up the children, and that’s when he decided to bide his time and bring her affair to light. One day the unfaithful wife approached her husband and said she had been invited to a graduation party by her friends. Later, while pretending to be asleep, the husband overheard his wife whispering to her lover, arranging to meet him. In a bid to fool her into thinking he had no idea about the affair, he even agreed to buy her a new dress for the ‘function’, and snapped a picture of her in it — despite the fact he knew she would send on the photo to her lover later. When she left home that evening, the husband followed her to a hotel and watched as she entered and waited in the lobby. He then saw a man entering the hotel and proceed to one of the lift’s. To avoid detection, the husband followed the man, using the hotel’s stairwell, and watched as the man entered one of the room’s. The husband hid outside the room, and a few minutes later he saw his wife entering the same room the man (her lover) entered earlier. Desperate to bring the cheating pair to justice, the husband immediately called his paternal cousin to be an eyewitness to the extra marital affair, and then he called the police. When his cousin arrived, the husband knocked on the hotel room door and began threatening the pair, raising his voice. When his wife opened the door the police arrived and caught the pair together. The two were sent, later, to the court for allegedly having an affair, which is a sin and contrary to the Shariah. On interrogation, the Public Prosecutor asked the husband why he kept silent for so long, knowing what was going on behind his back. The husband replied saying he had two choices: to maintain his dignity and the future of his children by proving the alleged affair in the right way before divorcing her, or take revenge, and thus possibly lose what is most important to him, his kids. news@khaleejtimes
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 09:44:59 +0000

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