A meditation for today Monday, September 8, 2014 I will raise - TopicsExpress


A meditation for today Monday, September 8, 2014 I will raise unto David a line, I apprêterai a lamp for my anointed Ps 132, 17 First reading, Mi 5 1-4a Word of the Lord. But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, the smallest of the clans of Judah, out of you that I will get one who is to rule Israel. Its origins date back to ancient times, at the dawn of ages. After a period of neglect, will come a day when she who is in travail, and those of his brothers who remain join the children of Israel. It will rise and it will be their shepherd by the power of the Lord, the majesty of the name of his God. They will live in safety because now his power shall extend to the ends of the earth, and himself, there will be peace! Psalm, Psalm 94 (95), 1-2, 6-7ab, 7d-8a.9 Come cry with joy to the Lord, hail Rock of our salvation! Lets go to him with thanksgiving, for our party anthems acclaim it! Come in, you bow, bow down, worship the Lord who made us. Yes, he is our God; we are the people he leads. Today you would listen to his word? Do not close your heart as the desert, where your fathers tempted me and provoked, yet they had seen my feat. Gospel according to St Matthew, Chapter 1, 1-23 Here is the table of origins of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham: Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, Judah, of his union with Tamar begat Phares and Zara, Phares begat Esrom, Esrom begat Aram, Aram begat Amminadab, Amminadab begat Naassone, Naassone begat Salmone, Salmone, its union with Rahab fathered Boaz, Boaz of his union with Ruth begat JOBED, JOBED begat Jesse, Jesse begat David the king. prayers Introductory Prayer Holy Trinity, I praise and bless the birth of Mary, who became the mother of the eternal Son of the Father and the Spirit remains. In the name of the Father ... request Mary, let me listen and welcome you as the Word of Life, Jesus. Points for reflection 1 What does the biblical text itself? Both readings proposed by the liturgy (Mi or Rm), on this feast of the birthday of Mary, sing Gods faithfulness to his promise to save mankind and his willingness to instruments, men, realization effective for its project. The Messiah, the one who will rule Israel, will not come without the help of the one who is in travail (Micah 5: 2). These together with God, Mary, the first-born would be born where the firstborn of all creation (St. John Damascene) occupies a place of honor, so that a woman who has contributed to the work death, and a woman should contribute to life (LG n. 56). The genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham is part of the logic of God who wants our active participation in his work of salvation. The will of God is expressed in a profound way by St. Augustine: God who created you without you, will not save you without you. 2 That tells us the biblical text? The heart of man of the Old Covenant waited one who would save the people from their sins and all the action of the man was stretched to this release. But the man would never have thought of how God set him free. Mary is the lamp in the darkness and his birth is the dawn that announces the arrival of the sun of justice. God chose this little girl as a representative of humanity, for it to become the home of the no place can contain. God wants to open a great door between heaven and earth after a period of neglect and the key that opens it is entrusted to Mary, with a solemn break the chains of sin yes. She is the new Ark of the Covenant that will contain the bread of life and the eternal Word of God, worthy dwelling place of God. Contemplate Mary today, the day of his birth, let us next to Joachim who assists his wife, Anne, and say with the prophet Isaiah: You will be a shining crown in the Lords hand, a royal diadem between finger of your God (Is 62, 1.2.3). 3 Do not forget the origin and cause of the greatness of this daughter of Israel, whose birth we celebrate today: Gods gaze on her. God looked with all his love and kindness, the woman who would one day be called Mother by the eternal Son, the Word of God, for all mankind. Mary knew watched by the benevolence of God and his spirit trembled with joy in God her savior, because he looked upon the low estate of his handmaiden. No other creature, shall enjoy the privileges of Mary and today she invites us to take care of Jesus: He dwells in us, it is fragile, exposed our weaknesses and attacks the world. Mary encourages us to cooperate generously to the plan of God for the salvation of mankind, to be a light that prepares men for the arrival of the fire of the love of God. Dialogue with Mary Hail Mary, Mother of God, venerable treasure of the whole universe, that light does not go off, you from them is the sun of justice, scepter of truth, indestructible temple ... For you the only Son of God made his light shine on those in darkness, sitting in the shadow of death. By thee have apostles proclaim salvation to the nations. How worthily sing thy praise, O Mother of God, by whom the whole earth leap for joy (St. Cyril of Alexandria). resolution Offer, as a birthday gift to Mary, a decade of the rosary for the conversion of sinners.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:32:09 +0000

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