A message from Dr. Phillip Valentine-El.. ..Hmmm. Here we go again - TopicsExpress


A message from Dr. Phillip Valentine-El.. ..Hmmm. Here we go again Family, being made to think we were something else before we evolved into something better; or, in this case...DE-volved into something worse. This premise is as asinine as the science and scientists who thinks along these lines. This is just some more of that BS Darwinian circular logic posing as science, which presumes that the LESSER gives birth to the GREATER!! Think family. To evolve (according to the Darwinian cult) means that a lesser creature is/was placed into new/traumatic/unfamiliar environmental situations to which their bodies had to adapt. Therefore, according to this racist logic, dark skin DIDNT exist until THE VERY ENVIRONMENT THAT SUPPORTS LIFE FORCED US TO ADAPT TO IT...??!! So...! What the hell did our skin look like BEFORE we EVOLVED to become protected by our melanin? The creature on the left? And if according to the evolutionists circular logic that the lesser gives birth to the greater (i.e. sea slime gave birth to mammals...apes gave birth to man), wouldnt their twisted logic lead to the conclusion that the recessive creature on the left, gave birth to the melanated child on the right??! Meaning...THEY WERE HERE FIRST!!! Family...this is nothing more than a cryptic, insidious propagation of the Hyperborian-Aryan superiority myth, seeking legitimacy for their recessive existence by manipulating the subtextual context of the bio-sciences to maintain their false perceptions of primacy and superiority. This is precisely why we teach our students to scrutinize all Aryan-based scientific data concerning the make-up of the human temple with a metaphysical mind...Love, Light, and Transcendence.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 23:04:18 +0000

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