A message from Loving Care Agencys CEO Glen Cavallo: A few years - TopicsExpress


A message from Loving Care Agencys CEO Glen Cavallo: A few years ago, I was a guest speaker at a college in Nashville, TN. I remember the day as if it were yesterday as many of the students were graduating seniors and they were “nervous” about entering the world after the “security of college”. I told them my life story and how blessed I have been with a great loving family, a passion for my field, career and my health. I told them that I was very fortunate as my family made a number of sacrifices for me and my career (relocated three times for opportunities that allowed me to learn and grow) and that I owe much to others who cared and continue to care about me. One young lady asked me how much I worked in a given week. I remember laughing as I told her that I really couldn’t give her an amount of time, that my mind never seems to shut off and that other than a winter break and a summer vacation with my family, I pretty much think about work and other things all of the time. I think about my job, staff, clients, financials, home budget, my health, my kids, my wife, friends and others. My wife would say that I am always in the planning and executing mode. I told the young lady, ” I am always working”. Another asked “What are some key principles that you want your team to follow?” I told them about our core value: “Always do the right thing” and that everything branches off from that one. And that I try to surround myself with leaders that will not accept failure, that are relentlessly executing to a plan, that encourage and build their teams and that want to have fun and succeed. I remember saying that when an opportunity arises, you have to seize it. I told them that I have found that to be successful (I cannot define success for anyone else-that is for each of us to decide) in life that you don’t have to be the smartest person in the world, or have the best upbringing, or be lucky. You simply have to utilize your God given abilities and have the confidence to “go for it” when the opportunity arises. You cannot be afraid of failure. You cannot listen to that little voice that says “you cannot do it”. Here is a quote that I think summarizes it best and it relates to companies, teams as well as individuals: “One big reason why men do not develop greater abilities, greater sales strength, and greater resourcefulness is because they don’t use their abilities or their opportunities. We don’t need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What we need is to use what we have. Men fail and families suffer deprivations when all of the time these men have in their possession the same assets other men are utilizing…Life doesn’t cheat…it doesn’t lock up shop and go home when pay-day comes. It pays every man exactly what he has earned. The age-old law that a man gets what he earns hasn’t been suspended. When we take that truth home and believe it, we’ve turned a big corner on the high road that runs straight through to success”. (Basil S. Walsh). When I have come up short in my career or in school or in a relationship, if I look back on it, it all rested with me. I didn’t finish strong or I didn’t give a 100% effort or I was selfish etc. At the time, I played the blame game and blamed circumstances or someone else. But when I objectively and honestly analyze the situation, in almost every circumstance, I could have done something different to get a different and better outcome. Thanks for all that you do each and every day. We will provide great care, make this a great place to work and provide an acceptable return to our stakeholders. Anything else is unacceptable. -Glen
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:41:59 +0000

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