A message from Rabbi Charles Klein Dear Friends, With my - TopicsExpress


A message from Rabbi Charles Klein Dear Friends, With my sabbatical behind me I welcome the opportunity to pick up where we left off several months ago. It should not come as a surprise to you that there is a great deal of information I planned to share with you in this first message since my return to The Merrick Jewish Centre. Earlier in the week you received an email from our office announcing that tomorrow night were going back to the beach for one our ever popular programs we call Shabbat at the Beach. But this time weve decided to encourage you to bring your own Shabbat picnic dinner to enhance our Shabbat experience. Our Shabbat celebration on the beach will begin at 5:30pm at Pt. Lookout and our picnic Shabbat dinner at approximately 6:15pm. The MJC will provide challah and oneg refreshments - and those participating are asked to bring chairs, blankets and your Shabbat dinner. On a much more serious note Israel has been on our hearts and minds for the entire summer. Once again there is a cease fire and we hope that an agreement much more far reaching will be reached in Egypt. We are deeply saddened that sixty-four Israeli soldiers were killed and many more wounded and injured fighting to secure the safety of the citizens of Israel. How inexpressibly sad it is that after all these years Israel is still placed in the position of repeatedly fighting for her survival and the right to exist. And, as I have said several times in the last few weeks, there is not a Jew I know, here in America or in Israel, who doesnt feel the anguish of those Palestinians who died because Hamas long ago decided that using people as human shields is a legitimate military strategy. Very shortly I will be visiting Israel as part of a Solidarity Mission sponsored by the New York Board of Rabbis. Travelling with us will be several members of the New York State Congressional Delegation. While in Israel for three days I will be visiting some of the families who are still mourning the death of their loved ones who were killed fighting in Gaza. I will also be visiting many of the wounded Israeli soldiers who are hospitalized. Our group will be travelling to Sderot and other communities surrounding the Gaza Strip to be with those who have suffered so much throughout this crisis. Our days will be very long and, at times, deeply moving. We have been informed that our group will meet with leading figures in the Israeli government. Certainly, there will be much to share with you upon my return. I do have one request. The rabbis on this mission have been asked to bring along tzedakah funds which will be distributed to several organizations involved in providing direct services to citizens of Israel in need of the widest possible range of assistance. Those who wish to make donations which I will take with me to Israel are asked to send your contributions made out to The Merrick Jewish Centre with the designation: Israel Relief. In advance I thank you for participating with me in the mitzvah of caring for the needs of our people. I know that there are many in our congregation who want desperately to do something significant on behalf of Israel. Over the last few weeks many of our members have approached me asking that we reactivate our Israel Action Committee so that we can respond to this crisis and the challenges which will be there long after the fighting stops. The need for advocacy on behalf of Israel will continue to be a priority for the American Jewish community for many, many years yet to come. I would like to meet with those members of our congregation who are interested in participating in the work of our Israel Action Committee as soon as possible. Im calling a meeting of our IAC for Thursday, August 21st at 7:30pm at The Merrick Jewish Centre. Please let the office know if you plan to attend. As I said this past Shabbat there are many who believe that we are living through a defining moment in the history of the Jewish people. The situation of Israel and the Middle East is not our only crisis. Jews in many parts of the world are facing an outbreak of anti-Semitism which has become a source of grave concern for them and the American Jewish community which is searching for the right way of assisting Jews who now feel threatened and vulnerable. As our tradition says, The Jewish people are responsible one for the other. We are going to be called upon increasingly this year and in years to come to live up to that responsibility. I wish you and yours a Shabbat Shalom. Faithfully yours, Rabbi Charles Klein PS. I hope that you will join us for a presentation by our own Jake Novak on August 26th at 7:30pm. Jake has a very special grasp of this important issue. Im delighted that he has volunteered to share his insights with our congregation and community. Click here for more information.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 22:41:52 +0000

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