A message from a brother to his brothers and sisters in - TopicsExpress


A message from a brother to his brothers and sisters in Islam: Know that we now live in a world where there is so much social pressure, but know! that the prophet has spoken to us about this time period, He said that during this time, holding onto one’s faith under these conditions will in fact be like holding on to a live coal in the palm of one’s hand. Verily you are the biggest loser if it is the people you fear, for it is Allah who is aware of everything you say, and do. Know that you are the biggest loser if it is the people you are more concerned about pleasing, for it is Allah you should be most concerned about pleasing. Know that wallah all the people you are trying to please will not come down with you in your grave, in fact wallah they are the first to leave after you have been put in your grave, and once you have been covered by the dirt, the memories they have of you will be covered as well. The people you claim are your friends will forget you, so choose your friends wisely. A person who does not remind you of Allah and his messenger (pbuh), they are not your true "friends". Remember that Death is true, Hell is true, Heaven is true, so work hard to be saved from the hell fire, and saved into the life of eternal happiness. This is a reminder to myself before it is to you. Allahu Akbar. Asalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 22:49:10 +0000

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