A message from a young business owner and human to all my - TopicsExpress


A message from a young business owner and human to all my followers.. Here we are in 2015.. After 4 years of struggles and fights to achieve my dreams I feel like I have got very far but still have a lot to happen before I get where I wanna be.. Coming from zero to where I am now is huge for me specially with all the obstacles I had to go through. And this is why I am writing this.. Hoping it will encourage others who may be starting out their life or may be feeling discouraged at the moment.. I grew up between my aunts and grandparents, my parents were young and divorced so I was handed over to my family members at 2 years old. Growing up without your parents is not easy! Altho if I had a choice now I would choose to live with my aunts am grandparents because they were the best parents anyone could ask for, I didnt feel like this when I was a little kid. I think its just normal that little kids that see other kids with their parents want to know why we are not with our parents.. Not only that but being gay and trying to hide that for fear is not fun.. Altho I am 100% comfortable with that now, It wasnt always the case as you can imagine.. And on top of that I was the crazy kid with a lot of animals.. So needless to say I felt like the black sheep or the ugly duck of the bunch.. As time went by and I started to realize what other people said wasnt important as long as I was happy doing what I do and being who I am I started to become more confident! At 18 I moved back from Brazil to the US and got my first dog here Within a year .. Soon after that I had dozens of people seeking me to help them with their dogs,just by seeing me with my dog. Altho I have always worked with dogs and have trained professionally since the age of 12 I never knew I would become a dog trainer in the US and I had no plans to stay here when I first came here 5 years ago..but things started to happen and after one year of being here I had learned the language and started my own business by age 19.. Moved on my own studio and started to work hard towards my dream to run a successful business,and be able to have my pack of dogs. I am the kind of person that always looks up./ from living in a studio I moved to a small apartment, then a bigger apartment, then I found myself homeless! Thats right. All I had was my car and my dogs, and barely enough money to eat and feed my dogs,things like this can and will happen when you through yourself out there in the big world.. But it gets better! times like that makes most people want to give up but in my case the right people came into my life and gave me the boost I needed. For that I am very thankful, the right people were put into my life at the right times and gave me that push I needed every time! After being homeless I found a house that I could buy and have as my own I moved in there and lived there for 2 years.. ( I was homeless because I wanted what I wanted! I could have settled for less dogs or no dogs but more comfortable ,but I didnt ) I fought for what I wanted and what I have now. After 2 years at the new house it became too small for me and my pack and we were forced to move.. Dont get me wrong that was necessary for me to continue to grow.. Now 4 years later from when I started and at age 23 I own a breeding and training kennel with 15 purebred dogs of my own, a horse and my very own farm where I raise, goats and ducks and other animals for meat, milk, eggs and pets. I am buying the land so I can call it my own! I currently live on one of the largest properties in the state. My animals are free range and run free around the farm most of the day. I also have made fans and and created a cliental around the world! People will fly or drive to me from every part of the country to train their dogs or to get their perfect puppy..For those from other countries i help them over the phone or through skype. Altho I plan to start traveling internationally to train dogs since I have reached people all around the world who would like me to train their dogs. I currently travel within the US to train dogs! Running your own business is not easy, its like being responsible for 2 lives.. Your personal life and your business life. You learn a lot as you go and if you are strong and persistent you will make it. Not everyone or anyone makes it in business so you need to be determined to make it work. There will be people throwing rocks at you and trying to discourage you, sadly I have learned that most of those people have failed and cant stand the fact that you are trying.. So dont let them discourage you! If you are following the law and is good at what you do ,you have nothing to worry about. The people that you need will come and the rest you just ignore! The ones trying to bring you down will make you stronger and help you learn. I just wanted to post this as an update on my life and where I stand at the moment.. As I mentioned I still have a lot to make happen but every day I work towards making those things happen! Look where I started and look where I am now. Just in 4 years I have been in the news atleast a dozen of times because I got the medias attention and many people were interested in reading about me. I get tons of messages from people from around the world LITERALLY! People that inspire me and also people who are inspired by me. Its a great feeling when people look out to you as the leader and when you are able to help them, its amazing. Some times people will call me from really far away just to complement my work and say that I have inspired them and touched them from watching me and that for me is priceless! Sometimes I have no words to express how thankful I am that they think of me and have such amazing things to say. Sometimes I feel down but I have so many amazing people around me to pick me up. All I have to say now is.. There is still a lot to come. I am nowhere near where I wanna be yet. And Im not going to stop until I get there. 2015 is looking good for me so far. And its just another step forward. I hope everyone have a wonderful year and I wish you all the luck in the world and I challenge you to follow your dreams and by the end of the year you can message me and say how far you have got! Thanks for reading.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 21:14:53 +0000

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