A message from the Chief: Where to begin, yesterday crews were - TopicsExpress


A message from the Chief: Where to begin, yesterday crews were dispatched on the 9-7 box for a mobile home fire with possible entrapment , truck 7 went responding with 5 and reported a column from 7 miles out, at this point the com center advised of possible entrapment and now large explosions which was evident watching the change in the smoke while responding, truck arrived on scene command was established and an aggressive attack was made to the home all while multiple exposures were off the environment was saturated in added fuel conditions we were much more involved in just a mobile home this was a privately owned saw mill. Multiple agencies worked to gain control of the fire all while searching the 100x100 area looking for our victim, after multiple searches proved negative a bystander reported contact was made and the owner was safe, crews continued for hours trying to gain a head on the fire which ultimately took approx. 5 hours.....during this crews worked as a synchronized team rotating to keep fresh and to return home in the same manner they came...... this is the true definition of brotherhood in my eyes and as the incident commander id personally like to thank everyone of you for a fantastic job in such nasty conditions....THANK YOU!!! AND STRONG WORK!!!!!! SPECIAL THANKS TO, Brumbaugh lumber Sci institutions of huntingdon Bonney froge Containment solutions If I missed anyone please add them......
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 12:50:44 +0000

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