A message from the Lord to Richard Pace. On Wednesday night, the - TopicsExpress


A message from the Lord to Richard Pace. On Wednesday night, the 29th of May, at a revival fire meeting, I saw Satan flinging mud at certain people. I heard the word “mudslinging” in my spirit which is the term used to describe the way politicians discredit each other to win votes for themselves. The attack seemed like it was coming from nowhere, but I could see Satan throwing mud at them from a hidden (secret) place – he was hiding in the shadows where no one could see him, throwing mud at the people. The mud hit the people with force; once, twice, three times, four times and stuck to their clothes. The people didn’t realize until the third time and were horrified at how much mud had been thrown at them. Then the people worshipped. As they worshipped, I saw heaven open and the anointing like rays of the sun shining upon them from above. The mud dried up, crumbled and fell off the people like dust – as though it was never there. Then I understood the vision. Satan flinging mud at the people from the shadows represents attacks, temptations, persecutions, taunts, abuse, bondage, trials, tribulations and evil the enemy is bringing upon people. The people not realizing until the third time represents the fact that because the enemy is moving from a secret place - through subtlety, deception and ways the people cannot discern, they are not realizing until the situation become so bad that something has to be done. The people worshipping, heaven opening and the rays of the sun shining upon the people as they worshipped represents the Presence of God (The Anointing) coming upon the people and burning up the attacks, temptations, persecutions, taunts, abuse, bondage, trials tribulations and evils of the enemy. Then the Lord gave me Psalm 68:1-4, 1 “Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; Let those also who hate Him flee before Him. 2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. 3 But let the righteous be glad; Let them rejoice before God; Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly. 4 sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name Yah, And rejoice before Him.” (NKJV) Then the Lord said, My people! I have seen the mud, dirt and filth Satan, the enemy of your souls, has been flinging at you. I have seen how that mud, dirt and filth has adhered to you like a stubborn stain that seems to be impossible to wash away. I have seen the attacks, temptations, persecutions, taunts, abuse, bondage, trials, tribulations and evil the enemy of your souls has devised against and has brought upon you yet some of you have said, “The Lord has not seen!” “The Lord has not heard!” “The Lord is slow to act!” But I have shed My blood to wash that mud, dirt and filth away. I HAVE SEEN, I HAVE HEARD, I HAVE ACTED AND I WILL ACT AGAIN! When soil comes in contact with water it becomes mud. Mud sticks. But when mud comes in contact with the heat of the sun, it dries up, crumbles and becomes dust. As you worship Me and walk in the light of My countenance in obedience, just as mud under the heat of the noonday sun dries up, crumbles and becomes dust, so too the attacks, temptations, persecutions, taunts, abuse, bondage, trials, tribulations and evil the enemy has brought upon you will dry up, crumble, turn to dust and fall away under My Presence. I will arise! I will send My anointing! I will release My Holy fire once again to burn up the mud, filth and dirt the enemy has flung at you! I will scatter the enemies of your souls and when you see it, you will worship Me again for My faithfulness! Amen and amen!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 06:23:11 +0000

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