A message to Christians (Part Five) Important points to - TopicsExpress


A message to Christians (Part Five) Important points to remember You think Jesus is semi-god was he born to a woman without a man? What about Adam? He was created from neither a woman nor a man? Would you say he was wholly-god? Whose creation is more miraculous Jesus or Adam? And, Who came into existence first? Think of it, and think of it seriously; because you will be questioned about it on the Day of Resurrection. Check and compare Now compare this with the following facts about Allah, the True God: • Were there to be gods other than Allah, both the heavens and the earth would have gone into chaos.25 • Allah has never taken a son, nor has an associate. Were there to be gods beside Allah, each god would have taken away what he created, and would have fought each other vying for supremacy.26 • Here is a hypothetical argument that you may consider. Let us assume the existence of two gods; one of them wants to move an object, and the other wants keep it stationary; if their wishes are not fulfilled, then neither of them is a real god; keeping in mind when God wants a thing, it must take place instantly. On the other hand, to have both of their wishes fulfilled in the same time is impossible; because their wishes are contradictory. This impossibility is the result of the supposition of plurality of gods. If one of the two gods wish is fulfilled, then he is the conqueror, and the necessarily existing god, while the conquered is not; because it is impossible that the necessarily existing god be conquered. That is why Allah says: • They would have fought each other vying for supremacy.27 Allah is far above what they ascribe to Him. • Allah created man and placed him on earth to procreate and colonize it, grow communities, cooperate and help each other; because an individual on his own cannot survive without fellow humans. • Why does Allah, the only true God, the Creator of everything, need a son or an associate? Is it because He wants to procreate and multiply? Or, because He could no longer handle the affairs of the universe on His own? Did such a question occur to you before? Allah says, We have created the heavens and the earth and never suffered fatigue or exhaustion.28 • How long did Jesus live on earth? If he were a semi-god or a god incarnate, why did he not take flight to heaven before he was captured knowing that his opponents were going to put him to death. Were he to be a god, he would have known their scheme before hand; yet he failed to do so. He also failed to realize what was awaiting him. • Imagine yourself watching your only son suffering a painful situation, and you can easily saved him from it; would you hesitate to do so? Do you think god would be less concerned about his only son than you about yours? But, according to them God did fail to save his only Son from the hands of his perpetrators!!!! ! • I would like you to think over the belief that if Jesus were God Himself, or the son of God; why was he so terrified at the impending crucifixion that he shouted: Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani? My God, My God, hast thou forsaken me? (Mathew 27:46) If Jesus were God Himself, as they allege, does it mean that God was forsaken by God? Moreover, can that who felt hopeless and shouted desperately for help be a god? Besides, do you think Jesus was God Himself, when he fell down crying praying for someone to remove away from him the cup of death by crucifixion? That is if he was crucified!,!! Is this the foundation upon which is built the huge edifice of the Christian faith? Is the basis of your faith only a matter of blind following, a faith, which can never stand reasoning or independent scrutiny by dispassionate and impartial arguments from a clean conscience? • Allah is capable of creating anything any time.When He wants a thing to take place, He only says to it, Be and it is. This means, He needs none of His creatures; neither a son, nor a wife, nor a partner. Human beings have one single father; Adam, and their only true God, is Allah. He has brought them into existence and provided them with all their needs in order to worship Him alone. He says, I created jinn and men only to worship Me.29 • It is inconceivable that the only true God Who created the whole universe and every thing in it to need help; let alone taking a son, a wife, or a associate. He was all by Himself when there was nothing in existence; then He created the universe, mankind and the other creatures for one single purpose; that is to worship Him. He says: Say, had there been other gods beside Him, then they would have surely sought a way of gaining favor with Him, the Possessor of the Throne. Holy is He and exalted far above what they ascribe to Him. The seven heavens, the earth, and what is in them celebrate His praise declaring His holiness. There is nothing but declares the holiness of Allah and praises Him, but you do not understand how they do that.30 Allah also says: • Are dissident gods better or Allah, the Sole God, the invincible? You worship none beside Him save names that you and your fathers have named,31 for whom Allah has provided no proof. All authority belongs to Allah alone. He commands that you should worship none but Him. This is the right faith; but most people do not know.32 Now, listen to the following conversation which will take place between Allah and Jesus on the Day of Resurrection: Next episode in shaa Allah, keep following if you wan to know the whole truth.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:04:06 +0000

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