A message to OLD EARTH CREATIONISTS and THEISTIC - TopicsExpress


A message to OLD EARTH CREATIONISTS and THEISTIC EVOLUTIONISTS… The entire point of evolution was always to try to prove the Bible wrong, to state with false bravado that creation was created without the Creator. Its a pathetic fairy tale of a random lightning bolt striking a random mud puddle and creating life from nonliving ooze. Trillions of generations and multi-trillions of beneficial mutations later, we have the Mona Lisa and the Mars Rover. And evolution stresses that there is nothing special about man. Were compared unfavorably with other animals that share most of our same DNA. I suppose it is true that our satellites and interstates and computers are no different from the chimps ability to fling poo at zoo visitors. (Whats IN that other 2-4% of DNA?!?) If youve read the Bible: ☛ You KNOW what God said that He did in Genesis 1. ☛ You KNOW that God said that He did it in 6 DAYS, not in an indeterminate number of billions of years (regardless of the billions of years you found in the gap between the first two verses… talk about your reading between the lines!). ☛ You KNOW that man was created in the image of God and given authority over the animals. ☛ You KNOW that simple math doesnt allow for billions of years in the genealogies given from Adam to Jesus. ☛ You KNOW that Jesus became a man (not a chimp or a dolphin) to die for the sins of men (not for chimps or dolphins). ☛ You ALSO KNOW that adding to or subtracting from the Bible to cause others to doubt the truth of the Truth is a horrible sin. Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14 NKJV) Old Earth Creationists and Theistic Evolutionists, youre playing for the wrong team. I do hope that you realize that before its too late for you. GOD IS NOT AN EVOLUTIONIST! © Jimmie Douglas [Please feel free to share.]
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:04:46 +0000

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