A mid north coast anti-coal seam gas (CSG) group has slammed the - TopicsExpress


A mid north coast anti-coal seam gas (CSG) group has slammed the creation of a new committee to oversee the industry in Gloucester. The Gloucester Dialogue includes representatives from government agencies, local council, the community and the company AGL. But Groundswell Gloucester Vice President David Hare-Scott said it simply adds another mechanism to several that already exist but dont work. He said the Gloucester Dialogue is unnecessary and lacks substance. I think its biased in its composition in that a lot of the members represent AGL and mostly their qualifications are for public relations, he said. There are no technical people there. There are no people who can immediately deal with specific questions about the nature of the programme. Mr Hare-Scott said if the existing Community Consultative committee worked properly the Dialogue would not be necessary. He said it is unlikely to add transparency to the environmental evaluation process. There are a number of serious issues that have been raised, he said. Some of which go back to last year for which we have no response whatsoever from any of the government agencies. You know its little wonder that people dont believe in the process when you cant actually get any decisions out of them and you cant get any information out of them.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 23:24:31 +0000

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