A mile in her shoes - by Sis B Episode 12 – Way forward – - TopicsExpress


A mile in her shoes - by Sis B Episode 12 – Way forward – (part 1) “Can we meet during lunch today?” Mandisa texted Musa as she just wanted this thing to blow over. “Sure thing” Musa responded. During lunch they met at the cafeteria and chose a table by the corner. Mandisa: Okay, I thought about what you said earlier neh? Musa: I am all ears. Mandisa: First of all I want you to understand that I have not forgotten the lies that you told me and that you never thought it was important to tell me about your wife and kid… Musa: (cutting her in). Not that I thought it was not impor… Mandisa: Please let me finish Musa. (Pause, then deep breath). You are my baby dad, I have to accept that. And no matter how I feel about you, the baby will need his daddy. So I am just going to put in a few rules regarding the situation, okay? Musa: Yes, I am listening. Mandisa: One, if it pleases you, you can come see me once a week, but call first. And you can just be available in case of emergencies. Two, you must tell Yolanda and your family about this baby. Three, when the baby is born, you can be part of it if you wish. Four, here are your house keys, I will not be coming there anymore. That is all from me. (Silence for a while…) Musa: I hear you. I guess that is fair. I am really sorry for everything. Can we try to work on us…? Mandisa: No, no, no. Ha a. There is no more that. Go work on your marriage with Yolanda. If she is the one your family wants then obviously she is the one who is good for you. I will not be known as the person who made someone break up with her husband. Musa: Is that what you want Mandisa? Is that what is in your heart? Mandisa: From now on, what happens in my heart is none of your business Musa: But… Mandisa: I don’t think there is anything left for us to talk about… Bye (she stood up and left him there). As Mandisa was walking back to her office, she knew that her heart was breaking, she felt tears filling up her eyes, but she held them back. She had to be strong for the sake of her baby. She knew that in time the pain would go away. But really, she was fooling herself, with a broken heart and pregnancy hormones, there was really no way to stop from crying. So she went to the bathroom and cried a bit. The following weeks came. The new schedule was working for Musa and Mandy. Musa would come on a Saturday or Sunday and spend some time with her. He never spoke about getting back together. He just enjoyed being in the presence of his unborn baby and baby mama. Mandisa never went to his house again “Sawbona Mandisa (Hello)” She heard a voice behind her one day, when she was in a shop around her work area over the weekend (she was working on a Saturday), as she was at a queue to the till. “She turned to look, and to her shock it was Yolanda. She swallowed a spit and tried her best to be calm “Hello. Yolanda right?” Yolly: Yes, it is me. Mandy: Yeah, of cause it’s you. (Trying to smile). I did not expect to see you around here. Yolly: Oh, I live around here, didn’t you know? Mandisa: Oh, okay, (turning to look at front). Yolly: Yes, I live around here, you know? With my husband. Mandisa: Oh, ya I see, (she was trying to cut it short). Yolly: Oh and just so you know, I am not angry at you for attacking me while I was with my husband. I understand that the hormones can drive one crazy. I can only imagine how bad they are when it is an “out of wedlock” baby. Mandisa: I am going to leave now, okay? Bye. (She left her basket with her items there and she left the shop). She wanted to cry, but she asked herself why she should cry. She was the one who told Musa to go work things with his wife, and seemingly that was what he did. She drove home back to her flat. But decided that she could not be alone, so she went to see Zinzi instead. She found Zinzi with Cindy. After greetings and talking about other things, Zinzi asked her why she looked sad. “No, I am okay, it’s just the hormones” she lied. She had been not telling her friends anything about her love life, she was afraid that they would go talk about it on Facebook. Sure she never saw Zinzi updating about it, but she could not be sure. “When last did you see Musa?” Cindy asked. “Ah, I see him sometimes at work during lunch, we use the same cafeteria you know”, Mandisa said. “I see. Yho, I see he has updated her facebook relationship status to married since last month. Did you know?” Cindy said. Mandisa had never had Musa as her facebook friend since they had been in a relationship. So at hearing those words she heard her heart skipping a beat and she felt herself becoming hot with what she could not figure out if it was anger, sadness, shock or what. Zinzi responded before Mandy could, “there is a reason Mandisa does not have Musa as a facebook friend Cindy!” Zinzi said. Mandisa still had been unable to say anything, it clearly was not her day that day. She stood up and went to the bathroom, when she came back she told the girls she was going back to her place. The following day (Sunday), Musa was coming back from Mpumalanga, he had promised her that he was going to tell his family about the pregnancy so the necessary traditional procedures can be followed. Mandisa was heavily pregnant at this time (I think she was 7 months or something.) After everything that was happening over the weekend, Mandisa did not want to see Musa or hear what he had to say about his trip. So she told him not to come. Next episode (part 2 of the way forward) tonight. For those who have missed the previous episodes i am going to post them to my blog (bomishinga.blogspot) and give the link when i am done. You can find the rest of my already completed stories there as well *Thanks for the likes on the previous one. Please keep it up. its like petrol, it gives me so much power and energy. Like everyone else, when i feel appreciated i become stronger and more energetic* Mzansi Stories with Sis B
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:10:33 +0000

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