A mile in her shoes - by Sis B Episode 18 – - TopicsExpress


A mile in her shoes - by Sis B Episode 18 – Finale “Okay, tonight is the night where we celebrate your achievement” Mandisa said sounding excited. She hadn’t had a night out for almost a year. She had never went out since she had been pregnant and the baby had been keeping her busy. Zinzi and her husband did not mind watching the baby every once in a while because they said they were practicing for their own. But Mandisa never liked to leave the baby with Zinzi overnight. It was for the first time she did it. It was a special occasion and there was a lot to celebrate. Mandisa had asked one of Musa’s friends to host the braai as she did not have enough space at her own complex and well she did not really want to cause any troubles by doing it in Musa’s house because Yolanda was living there. When she had time earlier that day she had gone to prepare food and other mini stuff. It was not a lot of things as it was just going to be a braai with Musa’s friends and some of her friends, even Cindy was invited this time around. It was very successful little evening, and around the time before they all went home, Musa gathered everyone around. “I am sure he wants to say his thanks” people mumbled as they gathered around him. “Guys, thank you all for coming here, and special thanks to Mandisa and Thabo (the hosting friend) for making all of this possible. I am lucky to have Mandisa in my life. I cannot wait to make her officially a Mabena. I guess everyone can continue having fun if it is okay with Tbose. I am thinking of having an early night.” He said as he went back to his seat next to some of his friends and he gave Mandisa a little wink. Mandisa was feeling really pleased and flattered that Musa said something like that about her in front of all his friends and some of her friends too. Cindy had the nasty look on her face and Mandisa did not care. Cindy did not know half the stuff that Mandi went through to be where she was that day. Mandisa wished Zinzi had been there, over the past few months Zinzi had stepped up to be a very supportive friend, even though Mandi liked to shut her out most of the time. After some time Thabo rose on his feet as well and went to where Musa had been standing. “Okay, okay. Before Mr Party departs, I propose that he has just 2 last shots as a punishment to leave his own party.” Everyone loved the idea and they all cheered for Musa to take a few shots. Musa thought he already had enough, but he concluded that he was not going to drive, after all he and Mandisa came in Mandisa’s car. So she was just going to drive them back… so he had his few shots… After about 30 minutes Musa and Mandisa got in their car and went home. Musa was really drunk but Mandisa was going to drive and she was sober. “You really are the best Mandy, you know that” Musa said in a drunken voice as they were driving away. Before Mandisa could say anything he continued, “I want you to be my wife, I want to live with you, and me and Anitha. My family will accept it. You know what, sometimes I wish my mother was still alive. She would have loved you. You two would be buddy buddies. Ah, I guess you can be friends with mom (meaning his aunt). Hahahahahahahaha, that is funny because she does not like you. Don’t worry my love, it does not matter who loves or not love you, because Musa loves you. You know that right? Mmm?” He said while attempting to kiss her on the cheek. “Musa can’t you just sleep? You are very drunk.” Mandisa was starting to remember why she did not like going places with Musa especially when he was planning to get drunk. He could be so talkative, like none stop talking. She could not say she was annoyed by the stuff he was saying, she was pleased that he was saying all those things about her. “Hahahahaha, no, I am not going to sleep. I need to pee” he said and requested Mandisa to stop so he could pee. He peed on the side of the road and Mandisa wished she could get the ground to swallow her, damn her man was drunk. He came back. “You know baby” he said as he got in. “We have never fooled around in the car before, and I am feeling kind of you know?” he said giving her the eye. Mandisa just laughed at him and moved the car. “Come on baby” he said touching her. “No Musa” Mandisa said in a stronger voice, she really just wanted to get home. “Come on, you know we will never get a chance at your flat, Anita will be there, come on” he said pleading and trying to touch her again. They were approaching a curve at the time and Mandisa used one of her hands to move his hand away, but she did it too harshly that the hand holding the steering lost control and it did not turn properly on the curve, after realising this Mandisa tried to get the car back in control but as she turned the steering the car swayed too much to the other side and she turned the steering again and same thing happened (basically the car zigzag’d out of control) and before she the car was back in control another car came from the opposite direction and there was a crash. “Where is Musa” Mandisa said as she opened her eyes and realised she was in hospital. Faint memories of what had happened were playing in her head. She remembered being told to try and step out of the vehicle, she also had a faint memory of people panicking left right and centre, and she also remembered a lot of red, orange, blue etc. lights that were just all over the place. She knew they had been in an accident. Yes, it is true, what you are thinking was indeed what happened. Musa did not make it, he died on the scene. Mandisa might have a faint memory of hearing something along those lines but she was not sure if the memory was real or she had been dreaming. A nurse rushed to her after hearing her speak. It was explained to her that she did not have a lot of injuries, just a few minor scratches, she had been admitted for shock and then she was going to do a full check-up for any injuries. It was explained that there was no need for her to be kept in hospital and that she was going to be discharged that morning. “The person on the passenger seat did not make it” the words told to her by the police officer who was in charge of the case kept ringing in her head. She had lost Musa and it was not even a dream, he was so in love with her and wanted to do right by her, but he died a horrible death, just like that. Zinzi had been called and she came to fetch her from hospital and they went home. She was sitting on her couch, little Anita was asleep, it was a day after. The previous day she had asked the police officers to pass the news to the Mabena’s and she was expecting them any time and they came. It was Musa’s mom (aunt) and father. They were supposed to come collect his personal stuff because most of his stuff was at her place since he had been living there. *Okay, as if it is not obvious, let me explain this. This is story is based on Kelly Khumalo and Senzo Meyiwa’s, so all those who follow the news should know what goes on from here onwards. Let me explain that what happened in this fiction of mine is not exactly what happened to Kelly and Senzo. I don’t know what happened to them. The point of me writing this story was to show another angle of the story, especially to all those who had been calling Kelly Khumalo a home wrecking witch and so on. I wanted to highlight that they should not judge her while they have never been in her shoes and have no idea what her reasons were for staying with Senzo while he was married. The parts highlighted in the story are all that we know through media 1. Kelly beat up Mandisa in public 2. She broke up with Senzo and Senzo admitted he had lied to her about being married 3. Senzo and Mandisa (Yolanda in this case) got back together and tried to work on their marriage 4. Somehow, Senzo got back with Kelly. 5. And he died while he was with Kelly. 5. Mandisa did an article on Drum that she and Senzo were in a process of breaking up and that she had accepted that he had chosen Kelly. Mandisa said clearly that she did not hate Senzo and that what they had was good when it was still good. So I wrote this story showing a possibility of the reasons why Kelly would stay. So if what happened to Mandisa is what happened to Kelly, would you still judge her? No, you would probably feel sorry for her because you know what happened to her. Cindy and her crew (who represent all of us who only know what we know from rumours) do not know the whole story and all they see is Mandisa breaking up Yolanda’s marriage. Often we prosecute people based on our assumptions just like when a 16 year old is pregnant and you assume she is a young sl*t, only to find that she was raped. You call a guy who has someone pregnant irresponsible, only to find that the condom burst. Just two common examples. I hope my point is clear The message being “Do not judge if you have never been in that person’s shoes. Get to know the story first then you can judge. Walk a mental mile in that person’s shoes before prosecuting them* The end!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 17:47:40 +0000

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