A mother brought her otherwise healthy 22-month-old daughter to a - TopicsExpress


A mother brought her otherwise healthy 22-month-old daughter to a pediatric clinic with concern about swelling and pain over the left side of the girl’s face that had been progressively worsening over the last 2 days. The mother had noticed a small bump on the left side of the child’s face 2 days ago, and she initially thought it was secondary to trauma that the girl had sustained while playing with her siblings. The child had no fever or symptoms of a cold, and her appetite and activity level were normal. She had no history of recent illnesses, insect bites or stings, or bruising in the area. She had not fallen recently, and she had no history of travel. The rest of the girl’s history was noncontributory. Physical examination findings, including vital signs, were normal, except that the left side of her face was swollen, warm to the touch, and tender, but with no induration or fluctuance. She also had a palpable, 1-cm, left anterior cervical lymph node, which was nontender, mobile, and without increased warmth of the overlying skin. What might be causing these symptoms?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 16:36:47 +0000

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