A musing on translation as a profession: as a translator, it irks - TopicsExpress


A musing on translation as a profession: as a translator, it irks me muchly when people expect your service for free. Translation in many cases is much more than simple conversion of terms; there is no set of equations which we follow. We interpret using our linguistic and cultural learnings, acquired over years, and then we create a completely new piece of text in which equates semantically and culturally with the source. In short, translators are craftsmen and creatives. If you went into a auto repair shop and casually asked the repairman to clean your spark plugs for free, do you think he/shed do it? 我對翻譯為職業的一個看法:我身為翻譯者,很難接受別人要求我免費為他們翻譯一篇文章。翻譯這事並非像數字轉換那麼簡單,翻譯的時候也沒有一套公式可以遵循。我們做翻譯的要動腦筋,從文化和語言兩個層次=面上去解讀原文,然後根據原文的內容用另外一種語言寫出一篇全新的文章,而無論是從內容上或文化上,這篇譯文需要跟原文儘量相同。總之,我們做翻譯的呢,就是具創造力的辭匠。想想,如果把車子開進了修車棚讓修車佬免費為你修車,你想他或她會答應你嗎?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 09:41:28 +0000

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