A must for every woman! In benefit of all! Dear beloved women - TopicsExpress


A must for every woman! In benefit of all! Dear beloved women friends, my great joy to invite you to something very pleasant, very comforting, soothing, calming , gentle, loving, inspiring, empowering, compassionate, kind, nourishing... All of these is what it feels t o me, is what I felt after listening to the Red Tent Activation, gifted by DeAnna Lam in welcoming to the the Red Tents In Every Neighborhood Online World Summit. Red Tent is the space where women can go to when theyre bleeding (menstruating) to be themselves, to connect to their inner wisdom, to receive what they need to receive at that time. It had been are reality for many generations of our grandmothers throughout the world, it is still in our memories at the cellular level. Many things happen at the time of our menstruation. They all are connected to the whole of our life, and prepare us for life as women. The bleeding days are the days to let go of anything that no longer serves you, to go through an inner inventory, and reconstruction, empowerment, development, the time to learn from our experiences of last month, the time to plant the seeds for new creations and more. This is the time of magic and transformation, the time of opening spiritual channels, the time for receiving visions, guidance and support from the Divine. Our bleeding days prepare us for birth and mothering. Women used to go to red tent monthly in their bleeding days, while preparing for birth, in labour, and were very respected and welcomed in after the pause of their cycles when they stopped menstruating. Red Tent is a womb, that created, nourishes, feeds, embraces us back in, anytime we need it, in our womanhood.. Learn more about red tents. Learn more about the wisdom of women circles, learn more about honoring the wisdom of our menstrual cycles, learn more about what it really is to be a woman, how much our society as a whole, humanity could benefit if every woman was a woman she wanted to be, was truly happy enjoying, thriving, delighting in being a woman, in everything connected to it, being a girl, maiden, mother, lover, partner, wife, grandmother, great grandmother, bleeding, giving birth, caring for families, for partners, communities, humanity and more - being a woman. This summit is for You. It is for every woman. It will benefit every being on Mother Earth. These all are my personal insights, please take a look at what DeAnna L’am is offering you, go to deannalam/ Subscribe to the summit, it starts Today!!! invite all your women friends to join. May we all join together as one in Love and support. Love You Love You Love You. To all sisters. Here are some quotations from DeAnna - Red Tent is a place where women are allowed to Be rather than continually Do… Every cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her Flow time. Every ounce of our body and soul calls for rest, while our culture calls us to keep going, no matter what.... ...Imagine your girl coming home from school. She feels tired. She is actually crabby, and the sullen look on her face warns you to keep your distance. Throwing her backpack on the floor she runs into her room, not interested in answering any of your questions about her day. Her shoes fly off her feet, one at a time, on her way up the stairs, and land randomly on the floor. Her door is slammed shut, and you are not welcomed inside. You want to ask her about her feelings, to understand what is going on, but the door’s message is clear, and you know it will not open for a while… Imagine, though, that you had a magical key to this closed door… Imagine softly knocking and whispering to your girl: “Shall I drive you to the Red Tent?” Imagine her door flying open, her eyes meeting yours, a sigh of relief rushing out of her mouth: “Oh, thank goodness! I’ve just got my period!” Imaging the two of you getting in the car, since it feels too cold to walk the otherwise pleasant road to the nearby woods. You likely wouldn’t talk much during the short drive, since your girl clearly wants to be quiet. She curls up on the passenger seat and closes her eyes. You arrive at your destination in no time. The Red flaps of the Tent are hanging down to keep the warmth in, and you lift them to allow your girl to walk in first. It feels like walking into a different world. It is blissfully quiet. You start lighting a few candles while your girl walks up to the pile of red blankets and grabs three of them. She sinks onto a mattress in the corner, and huddles under the blankets, letting all the air out of her lungs. She knows you are busy making her a cup of herbal tea. This is a familiar routine… You’ve been here many times before, and the roles have changed back and forth between you: barely two weeks ago it was you who flopped gratefully on a mat and curled into a ball under a pile of red blankets, while your 13-year-old was skillfully brewing a cup of Raspberry Leaf tea to soothe your womb and soul. This is an easy reality to imagine… And, as surprisingly as it may seem to you, it is also an easy one to live! This can become a reality for you, and for your daughter, stepdaughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin, or a cherished girl in your life, since it is up to You, up to Each Of Us, to make it so! A Red Tent in your neighborhood is only as distant as the limitation your mind puts on it. It is as close as your belief in its possibility! We can make this a reality in our life time! You can create a Red Tent in your living room, in your back yard, in a friend’s home, in a nearby forest, meadow or beach. It can be made of anything: you can pitch a camping tent, or raise a tipi. You can drape Red cloths from tree branches, or build a yurt. The outer structure is not nearly as important as the space it holds inside — a space in which permission is given to simply BE… Nothing is more essential than this: we need spaces where we can BE when we flow, either alone or in the company of other women. Anything beyond this is luxury (and we can create luxury, of course we can!) but lets not make luxury become the reason for not having a Red Tent right now. Lets remember the bare necessities: Space and Permission. And these, my sister, you can provide for yourself, for your girl, for your community – right now! deannalam/inspire/
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 10:22:50 +0000

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