A must read .... #SriSri : My message is On My head - TopicsExpress


A must read .... #SriSri : My message is On My head (Laughter) Actually Its The message From The Heart,But Its in The Head Now(Laughter) !! Happy New Year To Everybody (Claps and cheers and Happiness!!) #2015 : Twice A Day Become Empty and become one with the That Which is Beyond the Five!! Guruji shows with Fingers Twice(2) A Day Become Empty(0) and become one with the One(1) Which is Beyond the Five(5) !! Got it ?!! (Claps and Laughters) The World Is Just A combination of Five Elements,That Which is Beyond The Five Element is Spirit !! So U become One witht he Spirit !! Yaaa Happy New Yearrrrr ! Wish You All A Very Happy New Year ! I Salute The Time,For Time Is Greater Than Mind !! Its The Time Which Influences The Mind. Its The Time Which Makes A Pauper a Prince and A Prince a Pauper. Its The Time Which Makes Someone A Stupid Guy Into An Intelligent One, Its The Time Which Makes Stupid Things Happen through An Intelligent guy Also. So,Its The Time which Makes Friends And Breaks Friends ! Its The Time Which Creates Peace And Creates War !! So, Time Is Greater Than Mind,So Salute The Time !! But,I tell You If Thrs Something Bigger Than Time,Yes Its The Spirit That Moves The Time !! Its The Spirit Which Is Beyond The Time,that Which Can Move the Time,that Which Can Change the Time, So As Long As You are in your Mind, You Are Under the thumb of time !! But When You Realise You Are The Spirit, the One Beyond the 5 Elements , Than you Move the Time !! Got it !! Got it !! Got it !! (Claps) I think you have to really Dwell on these Few Words That I Have Said than it really makes more sense it seems, When this knowledge seems, becomes an Experience, It makes all the sense !! When you Dwell on it,Thn it Clickss !! So, Time Moves Everything,But You Can Move the Time !! Okay !! That is The Power Of The Self !! And Its Freely Available, Yet InAccessible ! Its Available,Yet InAccessible !! So Only When We Become free form the mind, thn we will ever Be Able to take of it !! So, #2015 , Got it !! Twice(2) A Day Become Empty(0) and become one with the One(1) Which is Beyond the Five(5) !! COooooOL !! Isnt it !! (Laughter and Claps Bursts) Okayyy.. Very good , Very Nice !! Very Good.. Happy New Year!! In This New Year, lets Resolve To Build Trust In ourself, The Trust That Only The Best Will Happen To me !! The Trust In Ourself That Only The Best Will Happen to Me ! And Thn Trust in The Society That Goodness Will Prevail In The world, When We loose this Trust that the Goodness Prevails in the Society or in the Nation,Thats When Our Morale Goes Down !! But When you have the Trust that Good Will Prevail in the Society in the world,your morale will be UP !! And when you know only good things will Happen to you,only the Best things will Happen to you,your Self confidence level will go Up...!! Lets keep These two dimensions Alive in our Life in this 2015 !! Let this Be your NewYear Resolution ! Trust In YourSelf And Trust in the Society or in the World order !! See,When you See that Some Bad Elements Are Rising Up,you loose the courage,you loose the conviction,you loose the morality,you loose your ground and you get broken,Thats When you need to Remind urself, They Are Only Rising Up To fall !! Bad Elements Need A Fall and Thats thr Final Destination Fall !! So, Even to Fall, U Need to Rise a little higher only than You Get Broken !! So, they Raise a little bit, And thn a Big Fall !! And If you Are convinced of this Truth,Its Reality.. NOTHING Watsoever, No Event can Pull you Down, No Event Can Demoralise you,And No Nervous Breakdown can happen,nor will you ever have HeartBreaks ! And you Know that ,okay !! So your morale becomes Very Strong,With this Conviction !! What do u say? Right? See Every Event Creates Some knowledge,and an emotion Often ! Often Events have Some lessons to teach you and also creates along with it some emotions,What we normally do? we dont learn from events! Infact we dont learn at all !! But, we carry on the emotion ! And an Emotion as a Scar or a craving Haunt Us !! Knowledge is not learnt, So you are left with the Baggage of Emotions !! If it is Positive also or positive-negative, whatever it is, Its Going to Bother you in the present or future,The Stronger the craving of Pleasurable experience you had,The More painfulll it will be in the present! Because that Strong Craving it has created , A Pleasant experience Created an intense craving in you !! So that Carries with you in Present keeps you in Bigger Mess !! Am i making the point clear? All The Breakups People has Had in the Past, if it had been very intense, That intense is the pain of breakup also !! Because that craving has created that !! So you are left in the present moment only with the baggage of emotions !! But The Intelligent one ! The Wise one !! What they do? They Just Learn, Take the lesson from the past and leave the emotion for the past !! Leave the emotions in the Past and Learn the lesson ! If Someone has Cheated you,What did you do?so that someone else could cheat you, How Unintelligent you are (laughter) How did u allow someone to cheat you !! Just Learn the lesson,instead of carrying that anger and frustration and hatred towards that person ! Instead of learning we just carry that emotion of the Past !! It is not intelligent thing to do !! Intelligent thing to do is? Carry the lesson !! Drop the Emotion!! So, you can keep your Smile,your Genuine Smile !! Untouched, UnBlemished By The Event !! yaaa..!! What do u say? (Claps nd Cheers) You Can Keep your Spirits High!! Come What May !!! Now !! Now !! Coz Life Is Always A Mixture of Pleasant and Unpleasant things, Things you Like and which You Dont Like !! Life is a Mixture of that ! You Know , NewYear Dinnning Table if you take Kids, They would like to go only for the Dessert ! No, Thr has to be Soup, and Salad and all the other stuff as well Balanced !! Mother knows how to give a balanced food to the kid ! Not because the child wants only dessert,she will not just keeping only dessert,otherwise its not a good mother ! Similarly, Nature Gives you everything !! Salads and Soups And (Laughter) andddd Noodles and savagery and peppery , savagery and peppery soups and Hot and sweet and pungent everything !! So Nature Provides you with a Meal with every taste !! And A Wise One Enjoys them All !! Right !! You Enjoy Olive, But If you Give olive to the Kid, It Just Phhhhrrrreww (Makes tht Sound ) (Laughters) So, Its Time We Grow Up !! We Grow Up to Appreciate The Diverse Menu on Our Plate !! We Grow Up To Appreciate the Balance, the Diet which has been Provided By Life ! Healthy Diet We have Great Cooks here, who have Prepared healthy Dishes today Right !!! (claps and cheers) Give them a Big hand !! yaa !! So, your Plate Is Full Of All Varieties,Just Enjoy Them !! Okay !! And Every Year New Plate is Given So , Dont Eat the Stale Food ! Dont Fill your Calendar from Past events,Dont Fill your dis year Calendar with Old Dates, Right !! Coz They Dont Match !! And This is what we Do, We keep The Old Calendar,and it says 21st jan Sunday and this may not be matching this year ! Today Is what Day?( Someone from Crowd Wednesday) Yaa 31st its Wednesday !! 1st is Thursday !! Aaan Starts with a #Guru Day - Thursday (Claps nd cheers) New Year !! The Year of Wisdom Than !! (Claps and more claps) Thursday Is New Year , So , if we keep a last year claendar it would be something like saturday so doesnt match !! So !! Keep Updating yourself !! Yaa ! So MATCH the Time, CATCH the Time, And MOVE the Time 3 Stages, Match the time, and Catch the time and Move the Time !! How You Will Match, What you will Catch and What you will Move, I leave it to you (Laughter and cheers ) !! Think About it !! Think On that !! Okay !! Its A Great way of Beginning NewYear in Silence , Are you already in silence today?(To Advancne course participants) Tonight You Go into silence right ! Its a Great way beginning a NewYear, Going Deep in Silence and in the self and Exploring All Possibilities ! Life is Such A Thrill !! Such a Joy , Such A Thrill !! Especially in Art of Living, Thrs not a Dull moment in Art Of Living !! (claps) Dont you say this? How many of you Agree !! Not a Dull Moment in Art Of living ! Its 2015, Next year 2016 will be 35years of Art Of Living !! (Claps) Am Getting Requests From all over the world,Everywhere People are saying,We should do something like wat we did 10years ago in 2006 !! Our Small Family Gathering,Small Family Get-together, What you call it? Family Get-together? Aaaann Family ReUnion!! Says we should have a World Family ReUnion Everyone Accross the Globe, From Japan to Australia to Mongolia to Argentina To Spain To Vancouver In Canada,All of Us Should Somewhere Sometime Get-together,Thats wat ppl are telling me ,But I am saying its in 10years we have expanded Muchhh Big than wat we were, and If you have some Plans, Anyone has Some Brilliant Plan or some Idea Mail it to Us,For How We Should Celebrate 2016 for Our Family ReUnion ! Mail Us , We Will keep and Idea Basket Also Not jsut (Clapss ) We Have Brilliant Ideas In Art Of Living Many Time They may not Appear Practical (Laughter) but Ideas Are Brilliant !! Nevertheless , I would like to read those, See Everything thats Great today was onetime thought to be Impractical ! So, A time Comes What Appears Impractical now,Impossible Now, Can Be Made Possible !! So,Not Just Botheration and Question Basket But a 3rd Basket Great Ideas !! And If u Dont Get one , Just Put A Blank Paper in it !! You Write your name and put a blank paper thats also another Idea I gave you(Cheers and Laughters ) !! Idea Basket !! Not Just for Celebration, ABout Anything !! If you Have an Idea How The Next Creation Should Be !! (Laughter) Humans With One Eye Here, One Eye There One Ear Here, Another That Side! Anything Could BE an Idea !! To Gauge Wether The Air in the Room is okay or not, Nature should have Made two types of colour Air, Red colour Air Goes in and Blue Colour Air Comes out !! (Laughter) If Air was Coloured,we could easily recognise how much Oxygen is here and If This is all crowded so lets open the window and let more of the red Air comein Blue Air Go Out !! U can do million Things ! Any Idea, Dont mind if its Crazy , Or Normal Or Practical , Just ComeUp With Ideas and Put it in the Idea Basket !! What Do u say? Is this a Good Idea?? (Yessssssss frm crowd) Okayy !!Good Good Good !! Very Good !! So thats It I think too much Knowledge will also cause Indigestion !! So You Got It ? Whats The Message For New Year? ( All replying ) Twice(2) A Day Become Empty(0) and become one with the One(1) Which is Beyond the Five(5) !! Great !! And All The Happiness Course People Are You All Happy? You All Enjoyed ? ! (yessssss) Great !!! We Should Create Waves Of Happinesss !! And See, A Doctor Has a Responsibility To treat Patients,And A Teacher/Well Educated Person has A responsibility To Disseminate that Knowledge What he has, right? ! So A merchant or a Farmer Who has Produced So Much Food , He Has The Responsibility to Feed The people,otherwise why would you be a Farmer? Why Would you be a Farmer,If you Dont Want to feed people, You Have Become Farmer, So That you Produce Food And Feed People, that is, The Onus To Feed People Lies On The Farmer, The Onus of Health Of The Society Is On The Doctor, The Onus of Education of Society is on the Teacher, Similarly, The Onus Of Creating Happiness Lies On People Who Are #Happy !! So, If you Are Happy , You Automatically Carry The Responsibility on your Shoulder to Bring #Happiness,to Spread #Happiness !! So, Are You All Happy?? ( Yessssssssssssss from crowd) Immediately you Got it !! You Got into Trap ! If you Are Happy, you Have The Onus of Spreading it to everybody In the Society !! So, Know That You Have To Bring this Happinesss,If you Dont Bring This Happiness, Even Your happiness Will Disappear ! This Is what Happens !! See, If Thrs A little Small Candle Burning A Wind Just , And if thrs a small candle on Bday cake, U just Blow and it will be gone !! But If Its A Big Fire , Even The Gushy Wind Cannot Put it off, Infact It Spreads It More !! Similarly,Individual Happiness, you know if we keep it for ourselves,Will Not Sustain Unless It Spreads around us , Got it !! And The Way to Spread Happiness is not throwing Parties, Is By Creating Knowledge, Is By Spreading Knowledge !! Yaaa, What Do u Say? Agreed !! (Laughter and Claps and Cheers) Create that Awareness, Spread Knowledge,Spread Wisdom Around you !! Whereever you Go,Wherever you stay,Wherever you Travel,Carry Wisdom with you,Talk Wisdom ! Again Dont Talk Knowledge to that extent That people get nauseated and Put Off !! So keep Spreading and talking Wisdom , But In Doses !! Yaa !! So , Today You Realise you have The Responsibility of Spreading Happiness !! yaa !! If You Are Happy, Automatically the Onus Of Bringing Happiness Is On Us, And This is it !! And Look all the Cakes Are Waiting For You (Cheeeeerss !! ) But before We Attend The Cakes !! (Someone asks Guruji tO Decorate The Cake With Cream, And Master ) We Will Sing More ?!!! (yesss) {People Bringing Gifts And Flowers and All Kinds Of Crowns and Hats :)} he Says, Ohhh From Japan, Japan Already got thr New Year !! (And Guruji Wears All those Someone has Brought from japan ) Chanst Of Om Namah Sivayaa Fills The Atmosphere With Music And Guruji Changing and Wearing all that Kids and Grown Ups Have Brought opening Gifts !! and Its Just Blissfull To Watch Him !! Songs !! And Guruji Guides Us Through A Beautifull Meditation Recalling The Whole Year 2014 as It has Been and,As We Meditate Along, Guruji Says,Lets Welcome The New Year 2015 With Chanting Aum 3times With All our mind and Hearts!! Do Share With EveryOne !!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 13:30:00 +0000

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