(A must read, This may spark you up for impact that will affect - TopicsExpress


(A must read, This may spark you up for impact that will affect your entire generation) STOP BURNING THIS CANDLE AWAY If this CANDLE finished, you’re FINISH! This Title may look STRANGE, but I trust GOD to IMPACT your life with it, I came across the GREATEST analogy of LIFE that ever caught my attention, few days ago, “LIFE IS LIKE A BURNING CANDLE” Really it is, LIFE like a BURNING candle is burning every day whether you use it well or not, it burns every day. YESTERDAY as burnt off from it, this year is burning away GRADUALLY now, it doesn’t matter if you slept for a whole day, it will still burn away. That is why you have to RISE UP from where you are SITTING, AND TO LET YOUR LIFE COUNT AND GIVE LIGHT TO YOUR GENERATION. STOP this excuse, EXCUSE never produce EXCELLENCE, it only make you pitiable to others. *STOP sitting down saying there is no JOB, (IT IS NOT JOB THAT YOU NEED, IT IS WORK) and there is always SOMETHING TO DO, only the BLIND will say there is no work all around. * STOP saying you’re not EDUCATED, though EDUCATION is GOOD, but it’s not the BASIC REQUISITE for SUCCESS, a lot of educated young graduate running around the street of Nigeria, having nothing to do, so It is not EDUCATION that you need to SUCCED, It is something different from education. * STOP saying you don’t have MONEY, all this are flimsy excuse, MONEY is not the Basic requirement for success, there is SOMETHING IN YOU that is MORE important than money. I’ve learnt from those ahead of me that, there WAS A TIME WHEN MONEY DON’T EXIST, Yet There WERE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE IN THE SOCIETY. Ask me how they transact business. You know it, TRADE BY BATTER, they OFFER what they HAVE (PRODUCT/ SERVICES) in exchange for what they NEED. So to be SUCCESFUL YOU MUST HAVE SOME THING TO OFFER, “If you don’t have anything to OFFER you will be a NON-ENTITY” So MONEY is not even a wealth, it is JUST a medium of exchange. Thanks to God our maker who loaded us with a lot blessings, so What I want you to do is to look inside of you, what can you see, that is what you need to be successful, you don’t NEED what you don’t HAVE, what you HAVE is only what you NEED. You may not have a tangible wealth like, CARS, HOUSES, GADGETS, etc. but you have something INTANGIBLE but VALUEABLE. INTANGIBLE WEATH like: 1) THOUGHT 2) TIME 3) TALENT 4) TRUSTWORTHNESS etc. Let take it one after the other, THOUGHT: This is the Number ONE INTANGIBLE WEALTH you have, but you may not see it, but is in YOU, everything that was actually created was created twice, firstly in your THOUGHT, then it MANIFESTATION, let me ask you this question, who was bill gate 40 years ago, he is exactly like you and me, not a billionaire, he is not a different man, but all that he MANISFESTED today is INSIDE of him. But it takes THOUGHT to bring it out. [THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE LOADED TO BE GREAT LIKE HIM, WHO REFUSED TO THINK, AND REMAIN POOR, ALL WHAT THEY CRY ABOUT IS JOB, JOB, BUT THAT HAVE THIS POTENTIAL IN THEM, AND THEY’RE DYING AS A NON-ENTITY]. Haa! You better sit up, an think, before the candle of your life burn out. TIME: This tally well with our theme, YOUR TIME is directly proportional to YOUR LIFE, stop wasting your time, WASTING TIME is WASTING LIFE, “STOP LAYING DOWN SEEK FOR SLEEP, LET SLEEPS LOOK FOR YOU WERE YOU’RE UP, BUSY DOING SOMETHING,” The important thing to note is that, we have the same time daily, the 24hours you have in a day is THE SAME that president OBAMA have. How you use your time at this present moment determine where you will be for the next moment, as a YOUNG GRADUATE you just “BURNT UP” 4-5 years in HIGHER INSTITUTION and you’re looking for JOB but got none. Now you’re still apply to go for your master degree, I don’t wish to DAMAGE your ORIENTATION, but it is not all about going to school, or getting a CERTIFICATE, PEOPLE WHO OFTEN RAN TO ACQUIRE CERTIFICATE ARE NOT AFTER THE IMPACT THEY WILL MAKE, but after PAY INCREAMENT, many of them don’t even know what they study from school. BILL GATE wasn’t a dull guy, he was very BRILLIAT, but make his life changing decision, when he DROP OUT of school to pursue his TALENT. Today he wasn’t a graduate but PAYING many PROFESSORS. TALENT: Your talent is in you, you have to know it, STOP doing WRONG THING, if you’re doing the wrong thing, you will SUFFER, it is just like CUTTING TREE with a TABLE KNIFE, no matter how sharp it is, it won’t WORK. That may explain why things as not WORK for you, with all your LABOR, you must know your talent. Let me quickly teach you how to know your talent. 1) You will be good at doing it 2) You will have opportunity to do (use) it 3) You will LOVE to do it. Yes, you got it, Do you now know your TALENT. Go use it, it will work for you. TRUSTWORTHNESS: Been Trustworthy is an INTANGIBLE wealth greater that any SUM OF MONEY. You know how it work, you’re entrusted with small thing do it faithfully. So many had won a project and executed it HAZARDOUSLY, and kept the MONEY, thinking they’ve made money, not known that they’ve LOST money. They lost their next opportunity, next time somebody asks, who do this work. They will know it is you, and conclude not to give you the project at hand. But if you did it right, the work will RECOMMEND you for the next GREAT OPPORTUNITIES. ABOVE ALL, remember your GOD, it’s Him that’ll give you power to SUCCEED, work with GOD because this CANDLE MUST SURELY BURN OUT one day, then you will have to return to your maker, WHERE WILL YOU END, “what shall it profit a man that INHERIT the whole world and END IN HELL …” think of this things. YOU’RE CREATED A REACH MAN.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 12:24:10 +0000

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