A must read and Share! In the last twelve years, Hazaras have - TopicsExpress


A must read and Share! In the last twelve years, Hazaras have made unprecedented strives in the history of Afghanistan. The cultural Renaissance that has taken shape in Afghanistan during the last decade would not have been possible without the resiliency and will power of the Hazaras to help heal the nation recover from decades of war. When refugees returned to West Kabul post 2002, the area was completely decimated into piles of rubble. But today the area is a thriving boomtown and a mecca for carpet weaving. Hazaras have pursued higher education in record numbers which was previously denied to them. Preparatory schools like the Marefat High School in Kabul, which was started by Hazaras, run like the Philips Exeter or the Trinity School in the US. Graduates of Marefat have the highest passage rate on the concor exams in Afghanistan and all of their graduates go onto college. In a nutshell, higher education is a prized commodity among Hazara families who nurture their sons and daughters to develop their mental faculties and ensure that no child is ever left behind. Mass media outlets like TOLO TV are the most watched in the country and bourgeois establishments from coffee shops, restaurants, and supermarkets managed by Hazaras have international standards that appeal to expats demanding high quality service. Many of the public spaces managed by Hazaras provide a relaxed atmosphere; venues that inspire your creativity and allow you to cross-pollinate ideas and imagine a brighter future. On my return to Kabul, Afghanistan in March 2012 after living 32 years in exile, I stayed at the Moon Hotel in Shar-e-Nau. A Muhmmadzai woman visiting from her exiled residence in France introduced me to the well-groomed owner whose name I recall was Ahmad Shah. She said, “Look, when we ruled Afghanistan, we designed and dispensed the tastes and preferences; everything from the cuisine, the fashion, architecture, the ideas and laws were determined by us. We were the gatekeepers of culture. But we could only dream of what the Hazaras have achieved in less than ten years.” The owner who wore an elegant suit and sported luxurious accessories was blushed by the compliment. I was a pushy guest and provided the owner my tips on how to make the buffet dishes more authentically Afghan. The next day, the buffet was upgraded for my craving palette. My deceased Grandmother and my Mother used to say back in the days of peace when they lived in Afghanistan that they never saw a Hazara beg for money. Want to know why? It’s a violation of Hazarawali. Hard work is the core tenet of Hazarawali. The childhood stories that were told to me about the Hazaras still make me proud to this day. There is a saying in Dari, “Awal arakat boko ke khouda barayt barakat bekouna” meaning first you must get up and take action before God can give bestow you blessings. A central reason why the Muhammdazai royal clan ruled for as long as they did until the coup d’état of President Daoud Khan in 1978 was the idea of wealth vis-a-vis social capital was commodity that was prized more than money. Today, we see Hazara-owned institutions and communities that cherish those some common shared values of service and solidarity despite the hardships of ongoing conflict. I’m proud of my Hazarawali heritage, as it is an honor code that all Afghans and human beings can learn from. I believe Hazaras are the last hope to salvage Afghanistan from the horrors of the past and the lingering war economy. The leaders of all ethnic groups must serve as a bridge of unity. Today, my heart is singing for Hazarajat and my spirit is always with the people of Afghanistan.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:50:30 +0000

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