A must read for all of our True Blues - 2 more incidents of - TopicsExpress


A must read for all of our True Blues - 2 more incidents of attacks on police early this morning in two states - A very disturbing trend and a reminder to our True Blues to keep that head on a swivel and stay vigilant - The first occurred in Texas City, Texas when Police Officers ran toward the gunfire of some idiot who was firing shots at civilians in a parking lot of a bar. As the Officers arrived and commanded the suspect, the gunman turned and shot at the Police. The Officers did their job and neutralized the threat, saving lives of civilians as well as their own. AND THEN... moments following, a group of civilians/potential victims of this gunman, turned on the Police and started throwing rocks at them! WHY!?! The Officers saved their lives and this is the thanks they get? Our thoughts and prayers are with our brethren and families. Thankfully they will be okay. The second incident occurred in Durham, NC. A Patrol Officer was sitting in his cruiser finishing up a report when he noticed from his rear-view mirror two men walking up behind his vehicle. The Officer exited his cruiser and before he could do anything else, the suspects opened fire on the Police Officer. By the grace of St. Michaels protection, the Officer was not hit, thought the cruiser was. The Officer ran for cover while firing off rounds at his would-be killers, took cover behind stairs of an abandoned apartment building and called for back-up. A manhunt was conducted but the assailants remain at large. The Officer was treated at the hospital for an injured wrist (not shot). This Brother of Blue is alive because he kept that head on a swivel and protected himself as needed. Our thoughts are with him and his family. We will keep you updated on any arrests. (description of suspects and contact info noted below) And another disturbing story we felt compelled to share here comes from Texas.. Law Enforcement Authorities are tracking down more than 3,000 Border Patrol Agents because they received several 911 calls from the same man and the last call he claimed to have taken a Border Agent hostage. Authorities have verified the caller is a known cartel member but they have not confirmed yet if an agent is in fact missing. We will keep you updated on that. So now is as good a time as any to go over the drill: Armor up, kiss your loved ones, head on a swivel, ears wide open , and cover that six at all costs. Stay alert and ever-vigilant, expect the unexpected, be ready for anything and everything, and always trust that gut. If it don;t feel right, it probably aint. Keep that compassion at the ready regardless of all that is going on and try to have a little fun out there when you can to keep a good balance, but above all else, you do whatever it takes to come home safe ... for one more night. Always remember this True Blues ... you do make a difference every day. Even if you rarely hear it, believe it because I am telling yous guys now. A special thank you to all of our families who see and hear all these things going on and yet still stand by and support us in our mission to make a difference in our small corners of the world. God Bless you all, along with all of our law enforcement supporters. We couldnt do it without you. Stay safe True Blue Warriors ! ~Nessie, your Sister from another Mister ~ all news articles on these incidents can be found on our sister page TBWs True Blue LEO News a description of the Durham shooters as follows: suspect one: black male, 18-25 yoa, approx. 6, skinny build, wearing an oversized black hoodie. suspect two: black male, 18-25 yoa, 5 8 to 6, 180 -200, wearing a light-colored jacket. Anyone with information is asked to call Investigator G. Silla at (919) 560-4415, ext. 29310 or CrimeStoppers at (919) 683-1200. CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards for information leading to arrests in felony cases and callers never have to identify themselves.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:25:25 +0000

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