A must read from The Shoreline Beacon - great coverage Sarah - - TopicsExpress


A must read from The Shoreline Beacon - great coverage Sarah - sorry I was unable to upload pictures. DGR near Great Lakes “an act of insanity” says Barlow By Sarah Sloan, Shoreline Beacon News Friday, August 2, 2013 12:13:30 EDT PM The deep geological repository (DGR) debate, like the water debate, needs to be something that starts from the ground up. Those were the closing words by keynote speaker Maude Barlow to the 472 people at the Great Lakes Need Great Friends meeting hosted by Save Our Saugeen Shores (SOS) at The Plex in Port Elgin Thursday night. Barlow, the national chairperson for the Council of Canadians and former United Nations senior advisor on water made a stop in Saugeen Shores Thursday night, as part of a seven-city tour speaking in defense of the Great Lakes. SOS has been clear in its stance for the health of the Great Lakes basin since the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s DGR Site Selection Process began in the community two years ago. And so, last night, the group invited Barlow and a panel of five speakers to highlight issues surrounding the Great Lakes such as low water levels, the threat of nuclear waste disposal and increasing pollution. The standing room only crowd heard from Mary Muter of Sierra Club Canada, Saugeen First Nation’s Chief Randall Kahgee, Sarnia mayor Mike Bradley and Municipality of Brockton councillor Chris Peabody. “I think it has been accepted now that this lesson that we learned back in Grade 6, that we can’t run out of water... is actually not true,” Barlow began. “We are actually a planet running out of available fresh water.” This, she said, does not mean that there isn’t water on the planet somewhere, but rather, it is somewhere that we cannot get at it. “We are literally over-extracting our rivers to death and we are now mining our ground water using technology that didn’t exist before the 1950s that certainly has been widely improved in terms of how much water it can extract,” Barlow explained. “One global study tells us we are doubling the ground water takings every 20 years around the world.” This results in the pulling up of ancient water that is being used faster than it can be replenished. Barlow said there are studies done by water intensive companies, such as bottled water companies, which have said by 2030, the demand for water in our world will outstrip supply by 40 per cent. It’s really hard to get a handle on what that means,” she said. “But it means a lot of people are going to die; a whole lot of species are not going to make it.” Barlow, and members of the panel touched on Great Lakes intrusions such as fracking, tar sands, pipelines and crude oil transfers across the Great Lakes to the St. Lawrence. “Now of course, we have the threat of nuclear waste... and this comes straight to the shores of our Great Lakes,” she said, crediting SOS for their efforts in making a stand against the DGR. “I don’t know how to say this other than... this is an act of insanity, this would be a crime against future generations, this is a crime against nature.” Barlow said the DGR debate is not a left-right issue, but rather an issue of common sense, of survival. “We know what’s in this nuclear waste... and to even conceive burying it within one kilometre of these lakes is absolutely the most terrible idea I can think of,” she said. Like SOS, Barlow said more people need to make a stand within Saugeen Shores and that people worldwide need to start looking at water in a profoundly different way. “Water has been taken for granted and we need to change that ethic,” she said. “We need cross-border community empowerment and we need to take this individually and personally and then work with people who feel the same way.” Barlow believes, the only way to a water secure future is based on fundamental principals: “that is water is a human right that needs to be shared more equitably and justly; that it is a common heritage and a public trust and that no one should be able to own it, pollute it, displace it or dis-manage it for personal profit when the common good is suffering.” Sarnia mayor Mike Bradley agreed with Barlow, saying “we cannot keep playing Russian Roulette with the Great Lakes. “We can’t keep on doing this. The most invasive species on the Great Lakes is man,” he said. “There are two fronts on this, and the one front we have not approached yet, is the political front. I think what you need to do, is ensure, that as these hearings unfold, the government of the day is held accountable for the ultimate decision.” When Saugeen First Nation’s Chief Randall Kahgee took the stand, he reminded the crowd simply, that water is life. “You don’t need scientists or billion dollar studies to tell you that, it’s that simple. Without it we are lost,” he remarked. “We are being told something, the water is speaking to us, the question is, are we listening?” Kahgee said it is going to take a fundamental change from each and every one of us because we like the convenience of turning on the tap. “We must strive to be better and do more,” he continued. “Many, many years ago, our people were faced with tremendous pressure from the influx of settlers in this area. They realized there was going to be change and they prepared for that change. They entered into those treaties with a simple understanding... that we would share this territory with those who came into it. But what was most fundamental to our people was that we would maintain a relationship with our land and our water.” Kahgee explained that his people’s language, culture, ceremonies and their very identity all relate to the water. “So when I see the struggles that we are enduring with our water right now... I cannot help but think that it is a piece of us that is dying with it because of that relationship,” he said. “It’s that profound. “We have to stand and be that difference,” the Chief continued. “Complacency and ignorance is not acceptable.” The SFN chief said he was proud to see the efforts of SOS and would like to see more of that. “We have to be the voice of the generation to come,” he said. “(They’ll ask) what efforts or steps did they take to protect what is most vital to each and every one of us?” Following the meeting, Barlow said Saugeen Shores residents need to put their foot down. They need to put their heads and hearts together to put a stop to the DGR process. “[Nuclear waste] is the most toxic stuff on Earth and we have Great Lakes here that are in trouble,” she said. “Invasive species, climate change, multi-point pollution, over-extraction... we are moving fossil fuels across them, the Great Lakes are already in serious decline. Moreover, Barlow said a DGR will not only cause environmental harm, but economic harm as it “will destroy a community if the water is contaminated.” As for the nuclear waste that is already situated at Bruce Power site, Barlow said it is just going to have to stay there. “You talk to scientists who say we don’t have the technology yet, and we may never, but the safest thing you can do... is to leave it where it is,” she concluded. “We are going to have to rethink our energy policy, all of us collectively. “Nobody is putting the blame on the nuclear industry or the fossil fuel industry. We all became addicted to these energy sources, but we know that they are hurting us and particularly water.” Looking to the future, Barlow said using alternative energy sources, such as solar, is key in keeping our water safe from harm. If we lived in a world with unlimited water, which is what we grew up believing, it would be different, but we are really learning, and learning fast, that we are a planet running out of water,” she said. “Anywhere where there is a water source like the Great Lakes, you need to do everything in your power to protect it, because once gone, there’s no replacing it.” In addition to Saugeen Shores, Barlow’s tour has taken her and her team to cities such as Toronto, London, Owen Sound, Kingston, Rochester, New York and Grand Rapids, Michigan. @SBssloan [email protected]
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 19:22:51 +0000

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