A mystery was revealed to me concerning my vision of the tree this - TopicsExpress


A mystery was revealed to me concerning my vision of the tree this morning. The tree = Christ The branch/limb = the Sons of God The house = the Church My thoughts = the Doubt of the world, or Satan As the tree, wider and taller than the house, Christ protects the house, or the Church from most anything. As the house, the church sees the tree and the branch, and decides to just let it be. It is grateful to the tree for protection, as the church is grateful to Christ for His Saving Grace. But the house and its inhabitants neither cut the limb nor understands its movement within the natural order. They only see the tree, or Christ. They are unaware of the Sons of God and how necessary they are for the success of the plan. As the limb, the Sons of God went out from the tree, or Christ, but they had to go down to the ground (or die) first. As the doubt, opinion, or fear in my mind, Satan uses these things in the world to get you to try to go against what is necessary and natural for Gods children. He tries to tell you that you are going against gravity, which is in itself crazy and seems impossible. So you in turn try to get logical and say, well just cut it off and that will fix it. Satan wants the Sons of God to be cut off before they can manifest. As the limb, the Sons of God die, and then shoot up to heaven while still on the earth. On earth as it is in heaven... The people of this world are so fleshly and so in it, that they cannot see the devil for what he is... see the forest for the trees as they say. He is trying to stop the Sons of God from manifesting, and moving between the realms because he knows as more of us do, the prophecy is being fulfilled and his time becomes shorter. We must die, daily, and resurrect, daily, living in the Will of God, not fighting it. Selah.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 04:18:49 +0000

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